Part 6

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*white smokes surrounds you*

You: Where am I? .....

Stranger: *stretches hand out to you* Come...

You took the hand and enter a golden ballroom surrounded by beautiful music that seems to make you float. A huge chandelier hung in the middle of the ball. There was both beautiful women and men dancing, chattering, and smiling. Your heart flutter at such a beautiful scene. And when you turn to the man wearing a white tuxedo, your heart flutter even more and your cheeks grew red.

You: Gasp* (So handsome)

In front of you stood G-dragon/Jiyong, with a smile so bright that could melt more than just your heart. His eyes glitter like a diamond and his husky voice as he spoke. You had forgotten about everything around you. It was as if time had stood still for you and him.

Jiyong: Princess, your hand please.

He took your hand and knelt down. He then kiss the back of your hand. Your face grew hot and your heart began to beat even more and louder than before at which you thought G-dragon may have heard it

Jiyong: May I have this dance, please?

You nod you head and follow him to the dance floor. He took you to the center and turn around to face you. He grab your left hand and held it firmly and pulled you toward him. His right hand wrap around your waist and held you close to him. You blush even more and you heart began to beat like crazy. You try to calm yourself down in order to lower your heartbeat where he won't feel it through your hands. The music starts and so do you and him.

Jiyong: Follow my lead, okay?

You: Mhmm...I'll try, I'm not much of a good dancer.

Jiyong: It's okay. Just follow be and you'll be fine.

You: Okay. *Nods*

Jiyong: Here. Follow my steps. Now count 1,2,3,4. Repeat that over and over in your head til you get it. Repeat the numbers and follow my feet with your opposite feet aligned with mine. You can do it right?

You: *nods* Mhmm.. I can do it.

You began following his steps and the dance became easier. You began to follow his pave and felt that you were being lifted You were dancing very well until when you suddenly slip.

You: Oh...(I'm going to fall."


You: ...hmm... (It didn't hurt)

You open your eyes to see G-dragon laying underneath you and you on top of him. He saved you from the fall apparently or either you pulled him down with you as you were falling.

Jiyong: Ouch.... Are you okay, my princess?

You realized you were still on top of him and the situation you were in. You quickly got off.

You: I'm alright, but what about you? You shelter me from the fall and it must have hurt.... I'm sorry.

Jiyong: It's okay, as long as you are okay, then it's fine. Do you want to step outside for a bit? There seems to be... umm..

You were confused at his action til you notice the eyes set upon you two. Your cheek turn pink and you began to feel embarrass. Jiyong notice and got up. He took your hand and drag you out to the terrace where you two were left alone. The dancers went back to the music and began dancing again. The sky was filled with glittering stars that lip up your night. Suddenly, you felt something being put on you. You turn around and saw that G-dragon has taken off his coat and wrap you in it.

Jiyong: Here.Outside is cold. A princess should wear this so that you won't catch a cold from the wind.

You: Thank you.

Tonight was just very magical. You dance with G-dragon who appear like a prince. You felt as if you were Cinderella for a moment.

You: Sigh* It would be nice if all of this was not a dream. You turn to look at G-dragon.....(wait.... what did I just say? Of course this is a dream... Why am I saying such a thing... Idiot, idiot)

Jiyong saw you thinking to yourself and smile to himself.

Jiyong POV

You: (Hmm... She so cute... if... if only this was not a dream.) _____Y.N___, do you want to walk in the garden?

Her: Sure!

She beam at the idea and smile so brightly over to me as if it was her response to me.

You: Then lets go.

You extended her hand out to her and she took it. You walk her to the garden, where the rose and other flowers were still blooming.

Your POV

G-dragon extends his hand out to you and you took it. You let him lead you to the garden full of roses and others beautiful flowers. You were amazed by the scene. The fountain was in the middle and was lit up by small lights. The full moon and stars was shining so bright over the whole scene.

You: This.. this is so beautiful. It so breathtaking. It very enchanting, like a fairy tale scene has just pop up.

You began to beam and got very excited. You began to lift your feet and started dancing around the garden and around the fountain. You twirl around forgetting that G-dragon was still here watching you.

Jiyong Pov

You: (She's so cute.... She so beautiful in the dress dancing under the full moon. How I wish I can keep her to myself) *sigh

Jiyong stared at her, her smile, her laugh, her everything. Everything was just so breathtaking to him. Then all of sudden, lights began to float into the air. Fireflies have began to come out. It made her look even more daring than before.

Your POV

You began prancing underneath the glittering sky when you notice the small lights. It was fireflies and there was so many of then. They began to float around your and lit up the night sky even more. The night seem to have last forever and the time seem to have stood still for your two.

Jiyong: Ahem... ____Y.N____

You stop in your track and look over to G-Dragon. He was fidgeting about something.

Jiyong: ____Y.N___, I like you. I like you since the day at the airport. I want to see you, I want to hold you, I want to kiss you and make you mine! Every time I don't see you or hear your voice, I want to pick up my phone and call you just to hear you voice. I like you a lot.

You stood there listening to him. You were shock to hear what he just have said to you. He slowly made his way over to you and look into your eyes. His eyes were so fierce and focus on you. Damn was his eyes beautiful. You froze and did not move. He cup your cheek and brought his face closer to you. You close you eyes and.... Ring...Ring...Ring!!!!

You: (What that noise)

You open your eyes and right between you and him was a rooster.

You: ACK!!!


You: Oww...ngh... what happen?

You open your eyes and it was morning already. You turn off you alarm and sat thinking on your bed.

You: Hmmm.... I... I guess it was a dream. *SIGHHHH

On the other hand....

Jiyong POV

Jiyong woke up to his alarm.

Jiyong: The dream felt so real...too bad it wasn't... Oh well... *smiles to himself

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How was it... Sorry for being not updating..... I hope you like the next part.

Preview of next part:

Pool Party?! Big Bang hosting it?! OMG!!!!!


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