Big surprise

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The blimp landed and everyone headed to the control room, there they saw a computer screen and a boy with blue hair and purple eyes. They learned the boys name was Noah but he insisted that everyone exited the blimp, and at first kaiba didn't want to let everyone off but the lasers around the blimp convinced him otherwise.

"Kaiba, we all go. If not we're all in danger." Yami said to him

Kaiba didn't like it but they all went to off the blimp, Yami kept Britt close though as he knew Marik was still out there. Joey kept his sister serenity close to him as they exited the blimp. As they walked they saw that there was a hallway, Britt and Yami kept watch around them as they all entered a room.

Once they entered they heard laughing and they got the shock to see the big five. Britt and Yami hadn't seen them since going after Kaiba in the virtual world as they had to go up against the five headed dragon. Yami remembered it too well as he remembered Britt being visualized by their dragon.

Britt listened but she wondered what was going on and then she noticed something off. They got sent into a virtual world that showed them what was going to be happening and what would happen if they lost. Then after they saw virtual kaiba lose they were back in the other room.

"this is bad." Britt said

the floor opened up and Joey fell through first, Britt realized this was bad and she saw Tea was next followed by Serenity and Tristan and Duke. After them was Nana, then Kaiba and Mokuba followed by Lisa and Belle. Britt was scared at seeing this when the floor below her started to open and she was started to fall through.

"Yami!" She screamed but he grabbed her hand and tried to keep her up with him but the hole below her got bigger as they both fell through together. Yami pulled her close to him as they were falling, Britt grabbed onto his shirt as they fell and she closed her eyes.

Soon it wasn't long that they landed, and looked around seeing where they were. Separated from their friends but at least they were together to back each other up. Yami got up and helped Britt up as they walked around looking for some sign of the others.

"Where are we?" Britt asked Yami

"I don't know, but we'll find our friends. Are you hurt?" He asked

Britt shook her head no and she was trying to hide how scared she was being in this virtual world. They came to face to face with gansley in a duel monster form. He challenged them to a duel and they were shocked to see the cards that were appearing before them as they went and chose the cards they wanted. Yami chose ones that would of normally been in Yugi's deck, while Britt chose her most trusted cards that she would have in her deck. As they went looking for a deckmaster Britt was going to choose her Goddess but her Goddess's little wolf came out and when Yami was going to choose Dark Magician, Kuriboh came out.

Somethings off, these weren't our choices. Britt thought

Yami and Britt decided not to fight it and they played as a team to go up against gansley. It was a long and hard duel as they had to learn all the rules for the virtual world. Though with hardwork and determination they came out victorious.

For everyone in the virtual world, they were teamed up with people. Nana was not far from Lisa and Belle, Kaiba and Mokuba were together, Joey was alone, Tea was alone and Serenity wasn't far away from Duke and Tristan. They had to find a way to get around. It was a long time before they started getting back together as a group and about everyone had gone up against the big five at least once. The only one out of the group who lost was Tristan in wanting to protect Serenity.

Tea noticed how close Yami and Britt were, it made her jealous just to see them be so happy with each other. They were heading to find a way out now and when they went to find Kaiba they came across Kaiba dueling noah. At first it seemed fine until Mokuba and Kaiba got turned to stone. Britt was shocked at that moment. Yami wasn't going to stand for it though as he picked up Kaiba's deck and challenged to take Kaiba's place. Britt looked at him like he was nuts but he kissed her.

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