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That was all I felt towards him. He was a little wretched bitch that landed on this earth. I wanted him gone.

He pretty much just took my heart and held in in his hands, he made me die inside. He made me feel even more anger when he told me that it was my best friend. Him. Betraying me, then making my best friend betray me. He was never like this. He was always the nice, kind person, who would never betray me.

But apparently that was his cover, - or so I thought - and on the inside he was a demon. I stopped looking at them at school too. They would nuzzle in the hallways, baby talk at lunch, and even sometimes, he would call her Tootsie. Which was my nickname. Mine. I was disgusted to the point of death. All I heard around school was about how Anna and Ryan were such a cute couple, and how Ryan was asking Anna to prom, and how Anna and Ryan would do this, and that. Anna and Ryan were the talk of the town. Yes, you ask why I care? Because I loved Ryan, and I thought he loved me too. It was so sudden, our breakup, and it had looked like he even found it as a surprise. I though he just wasn't interested in having a girlfriend at the moment, but from what has been happening, it just sounds like he was tired of me. I guess letting it out might've helped. I'm over him.


"I'll miss you.." I cried

 I can't believe I was actually crying. I really couldn't believe that Robbie was going to Israel for a year.

 "Do you have to go?"

I sounded like a whining 3 year old. My voice cracked too, I was on the verge of tears. He was pretty much the only happiness in my life.

"I know it's hurting you that I'm leaving. I don't want to either. But I have to, Nathan wants me to take this exploration course through the desert." He voice sounded shaky too, but his voice had a kind tone to it.

"Remind me again, who is Nathan?" He never spoke about his job. I barely even knew what he did. I think he was an assistant at an archeology thing place.

"He's my boss. Listen babe, I gotta go, my flight leaves in two hours. I'll miss you." He squeezed me tight, and went to open the door.

"I love you." He whispered. The door slammed shut.

I didn't want anyone leaving me again. He loved me. I was sure of it. Never had anyone been this caring and thoughtful in my life. Not even Ryan.

I hadn't seen him in four years. I hadn't seen Anna either. For all I know, they could be heavily in love or hating each other on opposite sides of the planet. But what I do know, is that Anna graduated with honors and was accepted into Harvard. I also know that I graduated with honors, and I got accepted into Harvard. Of course I wanted to go. But did I want to be with her and her little cutie patootie boyfriend? No. Instead, I applied to UCLA, and got accepted on full scholarship. That's where I met Robbie. He was in my advanced physics class, and he greeted me on the first day with such pride, I was stunned. After a year of being best friends, we finally started dating. I forgot about Anna and Ryan, until Anna tried to call once last year.

"Hello? It's Anna, your old best friend." She said with such dignity that it sounded irregular.

My response was gruesome, but simple.

"No, I really don't want to talk to you." And it was true, I really truly hated her.

"But... I don't think you got the full story. Once Ryan and I started dating, you blocked us out."

"I think I do get it. Goodbye Anna." I started to tear up.

"Rei wait!"

And that was that.

*i fully apologize for how sucky and short this is*

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