1. The Pepperoni

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(The creator of Enderoni NinjaNekoAru owns Enderoni and any references belong to Komaeda and the creators since they are Bagels. And you can't have Bagels without Komaeda. It's like smut without potatoes. Also everyone owns themselves and their ships. But not the Titanic since that's mine.)

One day, the sun decided to be mean to Tyler and not wake him till 12:45. That day was Friday and also the day the pizza place would not sell Tyler a single pizza at 12:50 since they only sold Pepperoni at 12:45:01 and even if they sold it at other times the whole country had run out of Pepperoni. So Tyler, after crying for twelve minutes, called Subway. But he bashed the keys incorrectly and ended up calling SubwayMute.

"Hello?" He stupidly called before he realised that Sub was strangling himself with his phone since it would not allow him to have bum sex with Ethan.

"The fuck author?" Tyler said before smashing the phone with his glasses which he broke. Then he put the broken glasses on his head before walking out the door into blazing hot sunlight.

Then Tyler screamed in agony and ran straight across the road and crushed a melon and a peasant wearing headphones. And then a car ran over their dead bodies and revived them. Sitting on top of the car (since he was to sassy to sit in the front) was Sky.

"Wait how is he driving that thing?" Tyler asked the author.

"I don't know. Ask the potatoe god."

Then before Tyler could ask what a potatoes was Sky threw butter wrappers at his face.

"Collect my trash loser we're going to a new map." Sky proclaimed before killing the Melon and Headphones again. And since Sub had come back to life, made Sub have anal sex with a melon.

Then Tyler said, "Wait aren't we meant to be at the new horror map?"

"Oh shit." Deadphones said before taking of his headphones and smashing them to peices.

"Let's teleport!" He said randomly.

"Whyteleporting?" Asked Melonstein.

"Because I hate everyone."

Then they all rolled towards the new horror map since Ty sucked at magic. And after getting there, Ty did the best speech evar.

"I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the orphanage. And Tyler."

"Budderful." Sky proclaimed in a stupid kingly voice. "And don't speak of the orphanage again or I will slap you."

"Orphanages." Bashur randomed. Sky slapped him majestically with budder.

Sub then said Orphan in sign language and Sky killed him with his car.

"You killed him!" Tyler said in a REAL shocked voice.

"What's the big deal?" Sky said.


Then the sun opened its mouth and fangirls ridding pigs came pouring out. The (revived group that is immortal for 5 chapters since Hades hates them) five of them ran into the mansion screaming "#Pigrome!" as they became little girls. Yep. That's how creative author chan is. Yeah.



"SIGN SENPAI CHAN IS MISSING!" Sky screamed. Then they all ran for ages in sugoi Japanese mode before Sub picked a cookie out of his face and ate it. Then they all threw up before Ty knocked Tyler out and rode Adem like a pony half way down the middle corridor before Bashur knocked him if and made him sit with Sub. Bashur then rode Adem like a pig towards a large sign that said "Whut u gunna du abt that m8". Then Ty had to eat a gigantic horse dick that Sub plucked from his face before riding a horse without his dick down the left corridor. He also used some grabby hands to pull Ty along to. Then the Pepperoni came and stole Tyler's glasses then ordered Pizza. Then the Pepper pulled Tyler along to wait for the delicious Pepperoni pizza to arrive.

(A/N WTF did I just write? Something defiantly Abridged that's for sure. :P)

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