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Jericho the lone wolf who managed to keep a hold of his territory from numerous packs with numerous members who dared to challenge him. Many had gotten the hint on not to try and cross his paths or try to take his land away from him. He thought of himself as a rogue lycan that has no heart.

He roamed his territory and saw a little girl in a dress that looks like one of those China doll dresses. He couldn't find out why the girl was there so he growled at the girl and she grasped and took a step or two back. Jericho couldn't decide if he was to kill or help her until she spoke.

"Hi there wolfie. Please don't hurt me. My parents just dumped me out here because they thought I was crazy because I talk to these big wolves just like you," she paused and she looked like she was about to cry but continued anyway, "I ventured out deeper into the woods they took me out here. I'm sorry if I am intruding your land or space,"

The little girl just turned around and walked the opposite way but Jericho stopped her before she got far away. He then sniffed her hand and her hand reached out to pet him. He then laid down for her to hop onto his back to take her to his den inn the center of his territory which was hidden in a base of a tree. The little girl got off of the wolf's back and laid in the center of the tree and he laid around her and kept her warm throughout the night.

He kept watch and listened to everyone that was made outside and when morning came he got up from his spot and went to go for a hunt. He caught two rabbits and he shifted to his human form and started a fire after he skinned the rabbit and waited for the girl to wake up.

(A/N: this part from here is going to be the point of view of the Little girl)

Angie's POV

I woke to the smell of food being cooked and I got up and left the tree trunk. I saw that there was rabbit fur and two rabbits on a stick being cooked over a fire. There cooking the food was a strange man who seemed to be watching me with a very blank expression on his face.

"What's your name girl?" He asked

"Angie. I am six years old. I have completed pre-K and am going onto Kindergarten. Well at least I was going to," I said on the verge of tears

"It's okay. I can move us to the city and I can enroll you into kindergarten if you want. But that's if you want. I can adopt you and I can take care of you," he said

"What's your name?" I asked

"Jericho. The city is not far from here. Maybe an hour and thirty minutes from here. I sell fur in that city and I make money from selling fur. So that should get you into school and for me to buy a house move us into," he said whispering the adult part about money and stuff

"Okay. Let's go. I want to make new friends and learn," I shouted

He chuckled and took my hand as we walked off towards a direction I assume is to the city. And I guess within and hour into the trip I was falling asleep and Jericho picked me up and I fell asleep in his arms.

*****In the city*****

"Yes sir. We got it covered for you. Her file is under the name Angela Rodriguez and her birth parents put her under missing when she was born and then they died shortly afterwards. At age two her kidnappers had turned her in and she was put under adoption until age four when she was adopted by the Robertson family. I guess that didn't work out either. She's a good kid. She never done anything wrong. Always ended up coming back here do to people who couldn't understand her gift," the lady said looking down with tears forming in her eyes, "but never mind that are you looking into adopting her?"

"Yes. Um...if that's okay. I found her on my camping trip and I asked her questions that had answers like her parents dropped her off in the woods and drove off," he said

"Okay. I'll get the forms and get everything checked out and ready for you to come back tomorrow to come get her. We have to leather here until we get everything sorted out. It usually takes all night and then you get to pick her up the following morning. With a case like this maybe a day or two," she said

"Okay ma'am. Contact me soon when I can come pick her up," he said walking out of the office and into the waiting room where the desk lady told him to leave her while he had work to do.

"Jericho look what I did!" Angie shouted

She held up a coloring book and showed me a picture of a wolf that she colored. It was all black and had blue eyes.

"Isn't it pretty?" She asked

"It looks wonderful. Did you do it yourself? If you lie you get visited by the tickle monster," he said raising his eyebrows up with a slight smirk on his face

"I did. I promise. I don't want to be visited by the tickle monster," she said pouting

"Okay. I believe. Angie you are going to have to wait here for a while with these good ladies and men. I'll be back to come and get you, okay?" He said

"But I don't want to stay here. I want to go with you. me...when I was in the promised to take me to kindergarten...and let me...get an education..." she said crying while she jumped into his arms and clung to him for dear life

"I know sweetheart. I'm gonna come back for you. I promise," he said hugging her back


With that my problems ceased to a. holt. That happened to be eleven years ago. I am 16 now and he was true to his word. Well sorta true to his word. That whole ruckus that we caused that day gave the people there an outlook and the didn't investigate over something that was true. The people that did adopt me before him went to jail and confessed that they did plan on leaving me in the woods to never return.

Nd also since then everything hasn't been the same. I found out the reason I could talk to wolves was because I was one. Jericho-I mean my dad told me that when I first shifted into a wolf. An all black wolf with blue eyes. I was seven when that happened.

I don't think I actually introduced myself formally. I am Angelia Chelsea Rodriguez and I am 16 going on 17 with and adopted father who might as well be my real dad. I am a werewolf and I simply have to keep that a secret.

Oops. I just told you my secret. Please keep it a secret and don't tell anyone about it. Or else I will be forced to move or be hunted down and killed.

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