chapter 4

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"My parents are royalty. But they were killed and my aunt had to become the queen by she doesn't want the gig so she is gonna teach me the politics of being a leader so I can rule the kingdom. So to make this easier I am the long lost princess, and you being my mate makes you my Prince. And when I turn 18 in three months I will become the new queen and you will become the king," I said

"Wait. So the kingdom didn't stop looking for you when you got kidnapped?" Derek asked

"They did but my aunt and Jericho never did stop looking. My parents died because the first time I escaped they thought I went home to them. Later they confessed because their leader was going to kill them in a much painful death," I said

"So your kidnappers are wimps and took the way way out. And you blamed their actions on you because you leaving your kidnappers thought otherwise?" He said

"Yes. Their leader it's one scary dude. He kill odds merciless and I wouldn't want to cross his path. I heard the things the other kids said where I was being held captive and it was not a pretty visual," I said

"Wait! By other kids do you mean royal kids that were taken from their family?" He asked

"Hey Angie can I come in?" A voice said on the other side of the door

"Hold on!" I shouted

I rushed to put on a dress but forgot that Derek was there for a split second and he grabbed me and started leave kisses from my neck to my shoulder and I let out a quiet moan. I had push him away and finish getting dressed.

"Come in" I said

My aunt walked in and say on the edge of the bed. She let a sigh and feel onto her back.

"When you turn18 you are going to rule the kingdom along side you mate. Jericho told me that you had to play the role of Derek's mate to get passed the guards at the front gate," aunt Lennon said

"Well, not exactly he is my mate my actual mate. I wanted too tell Jericho but he is over protective and would try to kill Derek and I can't have that. Hell he even tried to kill alpha Trenton because he followed me out house. He just wanted to know why were on his territory. Trenton managed to control his anger," I did

"I'm gonna kill Trenton for following you home like some love sick puppy. He's dead meat when I get my hands on him," Derek growled a really sexy growl and I simply had bite my bite bottom lip to suppress a moan.

"Hey Derek show me to your room," I whispered in his ear

"Can I walk around until Jericho gets here?" I asked

"Yeah go ahead, I'll be laying down in here." She said

We left my aunt's room and one floor down and to the left two rooms is his room. He opens he for just barely and I push him in kissing him passionately. Caught him off hard full a split second he responsed and kissed back with just m much passion.

#*#*#* sex scene ahead #*#*#*

Helifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me t his bed. He placed me down gently and climbed on top of m me. He then left my kisses from my lips to my neck and stopped at the spot where he will mark me.

"Please!" I moaned and he bite down. Fr a split second it hurt but then I started moaning and he pulled his canines out and licked my wound cm clean.

I pulled his shirt off and flipped us over and kissed ever spot on his rock hard 8-pack. I pulled the dress of and his hands went to tease m my already hard nipples. I arched my back. Into his hands. Guess he didn't like the position we were in and he flipped us over and he took his pants off and threw them somplace in the room. He took one of my nipples into his mouth and started to suck and tease me causing me to moan. His erection just kept poking me on my stomach and I reached my hands to his massive thick member.

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