chapter 1

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Angie's POV

"Wake up Angie you'll be late for school if you don't wake up!" Jericho yelled

"I'm up! I'm up and I'm already done! Hold your horses mister or you will get hurt!" I growled

"Young missy. You are asking for a good fight on your hands," he sighed as I walked downstairs into the kitchen

"Hey, your little delinquent you raised. Not my fault we move around and that we end up in other wolves territory; I get pit in the hands to fight future alpha's in a pack and you get worried about me and I always kick their butts. Organization in your priorities will het you far old man," I laughed grabbing an apple, "I'm off to Scholl. Love you daddy,"

Once I was outside I ran to my car and drove to my dearest high school known as central high school. I don't bother to say what city and what state because there is over 60 schools called central high school and one of them are the famous central high on Arizona. Damn it. I did it again...I need to stop that. Giving away my location and information to complete strangers.

My school is a not a strict or laid back school. I would say it's in between strict and laid back. It has its perks and it not so good perks for the teachers. If you get caught vandalizing you are going to get investigated and then thrown jail if was you who did it. If you are caught cheating the teachers will say don't do it again or you will get a zero. As for food fights they don't happen as much as they should. If you were to start our get involved with our a food fight you are to clean the whole cafeteria and then you are on vacation from school for three or for days. Sucks out you are a straight a student and you are involved in a food fight poor bastard will get that on his permanent record.

I know it sounds like I don't have sympathy for the guy but they don't really look into as much as they should. Sorry I'm rambling on right but as I said before I move around a lot and I live on a no man's land and I go to a school with human and wolf mixed so we tend to hide our true Identity and try not to give our secret out to the by standing humans.

Angie keep your eyes peeled. Something us going to happen today. My wolf Lacie said

What do you mean? I asked

I don't know but I will try to tell you once I figure it out. She said before she shut the connection off

Just then I heard a growl and I loud thump to the ground. This is not good. I thought to myself

"Hey watch where your going rogue." The guy said

"I'm sorry" I mutter and walk around him.

But before I can actually walk away from him, he grabbed my elbow.

"Let go of me before you regret it." I growled low enough just for Him and other wolves to hear

"And what are you gonna do about it?" He asked as his grip tightened

"Tyler, let go of her." A strong voice said

"I don't need your help person," I said

"Now." His voice boomed to the guy that held my arm

His hand loosened and he walked away leaving me and the guy that interfered with the situation.

"I'm sorry about him. He has anger issues. Loup garoup?" He asked

"Canis lupus. To be exact why are you asking me this. Can't you tell by my scent?" I said

"Are you a royal? Only royalty are Canis lupus." He said

"Look. I have to go. And I don't know the answer to your question." I said and walked away

****After school****

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