Chapter 15- Bullies

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--Last time--
"I smile, thinking of names"

--Seans Pov--
Ok (Y/n) Can pop any minute now. Her due date was yesterday and tomorrow is Audreys Birthday. We decide to surprise her by thinking we forgot. But we wont. Ha. I held off on recording to 1 video a day because of (Y/n). Again, she could pop any minute and she needs me there. I dont even leave to get groceries. Mark actually came to get us things. Hes so helpful. Audrey went to school yesterday and said people were picking on her. I hope shes ok today.

--Your Pov--
Ugh, I can pop any minute. Atleast Mark is helping out. Thats always good. Sean will NOT leave my side which is SO cute. Im past my due date and I dont know when this baby will come. Audreys at school and her Birthday is tomorrow. Aw, I hope shes ok.

--Audreys Pov--
"Lmao Bitch, Audrey hun, youre worthless"

"Sureeee IM worthless. My parents love me and one is a famous youtuber"


I like that reply because thats the thing that made her walk off. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair because I forgot to brush it today. I grab my bag and my hairbrush and try to leave. Of coarse the girl from earlier was there. She walked in and snapped her fingers. Her friends came at me. I back up while they pin me in a corner. One punches my head, the other punched my gut. I was now crying. They then pulled me up and slammed me into the stall. I guess my head hit the toilet, because everything went black. The last thing I hear were the girls freaking out and saying 'Shit' Or 'What do we do' I then couldnt hear.

--??????'s POV--
I walk into the bathroom and see the stall open. I ignore it and start fixing my hair. I look over and realize, Theres a girl in there. Ive seen her around but she doesnt really see me since Im the shy one. I saw her legs on the ground and think shes crying until I see her face. Shes... Sleeping? NO SHES UNCONSIOUS. I scream and start screaming for help.

I hear running and the door slams open. I see a teacher call 911. I couldnt because my phone was in my locker. The next thing I know is there are sirens up and down the street.

--Seans Pov--
Its 1:15. Audrey should be in science but we got a call that she wasnt in class. We start to worry.

"Where could she have gone?!?" (Y/n) Was very scared.

"I dont know! Shes not the kind to run away and if she was kidnapped, we cant report till its been 24 hours."

(y/n) is now crying. Dammit. We can only wait...

--Time skip to an hour; Seans Pov--
I get a call. I jump up and (Y/n) tries to but her big belly prevents her. I grab it and answer.


"Mister Mcloughlin?"


"We found Audrey. She is in the hospital. On Green street. Meet us down there and we will tell you the rest.
(Street name made up)
I have to tell (y/n). I start crying and get (y/n) to stand up. I hug her and grab the keys. I dont say a word until we are in the car and she asks.

"Sean who was on the phone.."
She says with a serious tone.

"The school, They found Audrey."


I put my head down at a stop light with more tears coming.

"The hospital."
I hear (y/n) gasp and I can feel shes crying. We finally pull up and I practically run in.

She checks her list and says

"Room 401, 4th floor to the- left."
We run to the elevator and run to the room. When we make it in, theres a big bandage on her head and shes asleep. Another girl is there. She greets us.

"Hi, im Sam. I called a teacher when I found Audrey."
I shook her hand

She nodded and a nurse walked in. She started to explain.

"We went over the camera tapes in the hall and we saw that Audrey walked in and then a group of girls did. After 15 minutes the girls ran out and soon Sam walked in and called a teacher. We found out from one of the 3 friends that they did beat her up. If it wasnt for Sam, Audrey could be dead or have head trauma."

We turn to Sam. (Y/n) stood up and held her hand out to Sam as if to shake it. Sam gladly shook it but (Y/n) pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you so much for saving Audrey"
She nodded

"It was really nothing. Im always glad to help and I will be here for her. I watch Seans channel and see Audrey sometimes and shes really- Unique. And I want to get to know her. She seems nice and I dont even think she knows my name."
She laughs a little. We start talking more and (Y/n) thanks her again, more talking until-

"Mom? Dad? Sam?" Audrey barley squeaks out.

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