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Jay: *walks in* Hey what's up hello guys!

Leo: *walks in* Hey. *looks at title* Something tells me this is going to be a 'fangirl dream come true' chapter.

Jay: You said it. Anyways, here is a newcomer...Lilly!

Lilly: *a girl with blonde curly hair that goes a little bit past my shoulders, white skin, blue eyes, a regular t-shirt, boot cut jeans, and cowboy boots walks in* I would like to join because ME LOVE LEO.

Jay: ME LUB LEO TOO!! *giggles*

Leo: *blushes* Why do I keep blushing?!?!?!

Jay: Don't worry. It's natural. Next, is...Blessing!

Blessing: *an African American girl with brown eyes, wavy black hair, a white top with lavender flowers on it, black leather jacket, and high heels walks in* I would like to join because I love Leo, and I think it would be fun to join the club of the best turtle in my life.😀

Jay: Yeah...more like the only club.

Leo: *blushes* Only for me...

Jay: Yeah. Anyways, here is Grace!

Grace: *walks in* I have an idea! Can you make a chapter where me and Leo watch My Little Pony: FIM and we cuddle.

Jay: Sure. *snaps fingers*

Leo: *on the couch* *blushes*

Grace: *on the couch* *blushes* So, who's your favorite character? Mine's Luna.

Leo: *watches* Um, I would go with twilight. She's pretty mature for her age.

Grace: Yeah.


Jay: Sorry to interrupt. But, Leo also has a date.

Leo: With who?

Jay: *smiles* My Internet BFF!!! RILEY!!!!

Riley: *walks in* *blushes* Hey, Leo! You ready?

Leo: *blushes* Sure.


Riley: So, is this your first date?

Leo: Yeah.

Riley: Mine too.

Leo: *blushes* *kisses Riley*

Riley: *kisses back* Thank you Leo. *hugs him*

Leo: *hugs back* No trouble.

Jay: *from a distance* I'M NOT HERE!!!! (I'm considering that as a GF reference)

Leo: Sorry, I guess that's are que to come back.

Riley: It's okay Leo. I had fun. *hugs his arm* *blushes*

Leo: *blushes* *walks home with her*

----AT JAY'S HOUSE----

Jay: So...did you guys *intertwines her own fingers and makes a derpy face*?

Riley: *giggles* *whispers back* Yeah! He kissed me! *fangirls*

Jay: Yup! *smiles* I had to pay you back somehow for fixing me up with Leo in your Ask Us book.

Both: *hugs*

Jay: WOOO!!!

Riley: WOOO!!!

Jay: So, I hope you guys enjoyed this mixed chapter too! Don't forget to comment dares, and questions!!! Please comment them!

Riley: BYE!!!!

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