Question and Dare Chapter! #2

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(Seriously guys. We need more commenting. I don't update unless I have two requests or more of questions, dares, and/or new people. Please comment you guys. You can be included.)

Jay: *walks in* Hey what's up hello guys!

Leo: Hey. *looks at title* Probably no questions today.

Jay: First today is Riley!

Riley: *walks in, to living room with tears in her eyes* *sits on couch and cries* Why does no one love me? *looks at phone and reads all the texts from bullies* *puts head on knees and cries*

Jay: We love you girl!!!! *looks at Leo* *pushes him towards Riley*

Leo: Yeah, we love you! *mumbles* Especially me.

Jay: I don't think she heard you.

Leo: *normal voice* Especially me.

Jay: What was that?

Leo: *practically yelling* ESPECIALLY ME!! *puts hand over mouth* *blushes*

Riley: *sniffles* Really?

Leo: *still blushing* Y-Yeah.

Riley: *blushes* *hugs him* Thank you.

Jay: *clears throat*

Riley: *rolls eyes playfully* You too! You guys are the best!

Jay: *smiles* You too! Next up is Grace!

Grace: *walks in* Hey Jay! I have a request for you...I'd like a chapter where Leo teaches me to use some kind of weapon in the dojo.

Jay: Kay! Leo, will teach you to use ...*drumroll* Neko-te! They're like claws.

Leo: Good pick. Let's go to the dojo!


(Disclaimer: I'm gonna be making everything up except that they're claws. So, don't look it up.)

Leo: *takes out neko-te* Ok first, to put them on, you have to put on the straps. Insert your fingers under the claw blades.

Grace: Okay. *does it*

Leo: Great. Now onto some basic techniques. You have to slash at your enemy.

Grace: *slashes at dummy*

Leo: Good. And never slash with your palm upwards, it could brake it.

Grace: Got it.

Leo: Try to slash sideways.

Grace: *slashes sideways*

Leo: A little tip, always try to slash with your dominant hand. (The hand you write with) If you can't, use the non-dominant hand. (The other one)

Grace: Ok. *slashes with one hand* *then the other*

Leo: I think you have it down.

Grace: Yay! *smiles* Thanks Leo!

Leo: *blushes* No problem.



Jay: Okay next up is...Riley again?

Riley: *walks in* Hey guys! Sorry for crying last time I visited...I have some bully problems...lots of yeah. 😧

Jay: It's ok. *pats her back* I know what it feels lik- actually no. I rarely get bullied. Just try to ignore them and embrace your weirdness. THAT'S WHAT I ALWAYS DO!!

Leo: Yeah...and when you need help, we'll be here. You can always talk to us if you need any support.

Riley: Thanks again guys! *smiles*

Jay: *in Pinkie Pie voice* *singing* I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day!

Leo: I didn't know you liked My Little Pony.

Jay: *dark voice* There are a lot of things you don't know about me. *normal voice* Plus, we fan girls- I mean pegasisters and bronies gotta stick together. *smiles*

Leo: *crosses arms* But I'm not a brony. Maybe Raph is, but not me.


Leo: *gulps*

Jay: Anyways guys, thank you for tuning in. And don't forget to keep commenting and commenting over and over again until you have no more questions or dares and I'll see you guys next time. BYE!!!!

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