clumsy is actually an understatement

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clumsy is actually an understatement

R I L E Y ;

P.E was probably my worst class ever.

All of my other classes, I had a solid A as a grade, but for stinkin' P.E, I had a B. That was definitely not good enough for me. Even though it's P.E, it still counted towards my GPA, and if I didn't get a high enough GPA, then I won't get in to a good university, and no good university means no job, no job means I'm homeless, and homeless means that I'll be living in one of those Samsung TV boxes for the rest of my life.

I snapped back in to reality and speeded up my jogging to catch up with Maya, my absolute and one of my only bestfriends.

"Hey Maya, have I ever told you how much I really really really hate physical education?" I ask her and she laughs and elbows my ribs.

"Riles, it's good for you. Plus, maybe if you stopped binge-watching episodes of Once Upon A Time and put down your Harry Potter books once in a while and head to the gym to condition yourself, P.E would be a breeze for you." Maya states and I look at her seriously for a second and throw my head back, laughing hard.

"Hello? Maya? Have you met me? Well I'm Riley Matthews, the awkward turtle who despises bring in the spotlight, does not socialize whatsoever, and would rather spend time hanging out with Mr. Whiskers than with real people." I state and she rolls her eyes at me.

I stopped jogging to catch my breath. Boy, I really do need to get more active.

One boy's gaze caught my eye. Charlie Gardner. He was super handsome, confident, popular, and he was sweet. Charlie Gardner has been my crush since the third grade, but with my miniscule amount of self confidence, I have never spoke to him, unless he was asking me for the answer to the English homework.

I was smiling like an idiot, that I didn't look where I was jogging and suddenly I was on the ground and the people around me were now laughing.

"Did you just fall?" I recognized Maya's voice as she held out her hand for me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand nonetheless.

"No," I dusted myself off, "I attacked the floor." I pursed my lips and she raised her perfect eyebrow at me.


"I'm freakin' talented!" I glanced around and noticed that people were still laughing at me or either looking at me weirdly.

"So you can be sarcastic with me, but you can't be sarcastic with Missy Bradford?" Maya asks and I nudge her and shake my head.

"That's definitely different. Missy Bradford eats children for breakfast. She can lower my self confidence in like .02 seconds." I mutter and kick the dirt with my running shoes.

"Riles, it's our senior year. Don't you want to put yourself out there? Be remembered?" She paused briefly before continuing, "Maybe you could land a date with Charlie Gardner." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"No, no, and no. Whenever attention is settled on me, I begin to freak and can't even talk." I whine and she shrugs.

"If that's what you want. C'mon, let's go to the locker room and change. You stink and need deodorant. That B.O won't impress Charlie." She sticks out her tongue at me and runs towards the locker room, and I follow after her.

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"Watch where you're going you clumsy freak!" I had the urge to roll my eyes, but then again, I was talking to Missy Bradford, the girl who can ruin your social life in a second. But then again, I didn't have a social life.

"For the hundredth time, I said I was sorry!" I exclaimed, exasperated that this brunette wouldn't be like Elsa and let it go.

"Whatever." She scoffed and walked away, her little group following after her. I let out a sigh and close my locker, hurrying to my next class, History.

My head was down, my gaze down on the floor as I swiftly walked to the next class. My black low top converse made a squeak every step I took.

A force pushed me down, and for the second time today, I fell on my butt, the papers from my notebook falling out everywhere. I groaned loudly and hurried to pick them up. I was going to be late for class, and when I enter, everybody's eyes would be on me.

"I'm so sorry! Let me help you with that." My eyes met up with a pair of green ones, and I immediately recognized who it was. Lucas Friar. Or how I know him, Charlie's bestfriend, or Missy Bradford's on and off boyfriend. It's complicated.

"N-no it's alright. I got it." I rushed to grab all the papers and accidentally grabbed Lucas's hand. My face suddenly turned red, and I let go of his hand. "Sorry." I apologized sheepishly.

"It's alright." Lucas let out a chuckle, "Here." He handed me the papers and I muttered a quick 'thank you'.

"You're Riley, right?" He asked me, and I looked at him weirdly. "Chill, I'm not a pedophile or a stalker, but aren't you the girl that fell earlier during P.E? Also, didn't you almost break a kids leg because you dropped all of your stuff and he almost slipped?"

"Oh, um... Yeah." I shoved my hands in my pocket, and Lucas gave me a boyish grin before grabbing my hand and helping me off the ground.

"You're quite clumsy." He told me, "No offense." I rolled my eyes. Even though you add the phrase 'no offense' it's still offensive, even if it is true.

"Clumsy is actually an understatement," I continued, "Floors hate me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the wall seems to always find a way to get in my way."

Lucas laughed, "Well I have to go, see you around Riley." He gave me a small smile and turned, walking the opposite way. What was a guy like him doing with a girl like Missy Bradford? He was so sweet and she was so... Not.

"Shoot... I'm late." I mutter to myself as the bell rang and picked up the pace of my slow walking. I debated whether to enter the classroom or to skip, but then again I have never skipped class before, but then again I have never been late before.

I walked in to the class and suddenly all of the eyes were on me. "Aww, the clumsy insecure goody two-shoes was late to class." Missy coos and everyone managed a snicker. This is why I hated History class. Missy Bradford was my classmate and I absolutely despised it.

My gaze averted to the ground and I gripped my notebook tighter. "Miss Matthews, you're late. Go take a seat and hurry up, you're distracting the class." I nodded at the teacher and went over to sit in my seat, in the back of the class.

As I was walking, someone's foot suddenly tripped me and I was on my knees, and again, the whole class was laughing at me. I turned around to look at the person who tripped me and of course, it was Missy.

"Sorry, I was stretching." Missy gave me an innocent look but you could clearly tell she did it on purpose.

I gave her a glare before retreating to my desk, and slumping down in my seat. How embarrassing. One by one, my confidence lowers each day.

Today was definitely not my day.

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so here's a new story YAY! i still ship lucaya more but like i feel like writing a rucas ff bc ya know, yolo.

possibly 5+ votes & comments?

much love,
s a m.

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