hellhole is another synonym for school

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hellhole is another synonym for school

L U C A S ;

Whoever invented the idea of starting school early, should be in jail. My brain does not feel like functionally working at 7 AM, and my body doesn't like being separated from the blankets and bed.

I groaned at my horrid alarm clock and slowly crawled out of bed. I looked at my closet and chose a black v neck and some random jeans. Afterwards, I brushed my hair and teeth.

"C'mon Luke! You're going to be late if you don't hurry!" My older sisters voice shouted, in a sing-songy voice. I rolled my eyes at her.

She embarrassed me yesterday during my study session with Riley. It was way awkward after that. She even insulted my girlfriend! You can tell she's very supportive of our relationship.

The truth is, I really don't see what's wrong with Missy. Missy Bradford was my third girlfriend. Sure, she may or may not come off as a bitch but if you get to know her, she's a really sweet and loving person, she acts all tough and stuff but I guess it's because of her past.

I grabbed my Nike backpack plus drawstring bag that had my running shoes, and trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was a hot plate of waffles on the counter top, my sister was there, wearing a white t shirt, flannel pajamas, and fuzzy socks. Typical Leah. She was drinking her herbal tea – she always suggested that tea was calming.

"So how was your 'study session' with Riley yesterday?" Leah asked, wiggling her eyebrows, taking another sip of her tea. I swear, Leah would be the death of me.

I rolled my eyes but responded anyways, "It was good. But you do know Riley and I are just friends? Right, sis?" I told her, emphasizing the word friends to the fullest.

"Why do you even date Missy Bradford? Brother dear, you can do so much better! Like I get it, she's cheerleading captain, you're the schools quarter back, but don't be cliché like that. Find someone who actually makes you happy, you doof! Unless maybe you're gay and this is your secret way of hiding it from everyone? I wouldn't mind, we could talk about clothes and makeup and-"

"Leah! I'm not gay!" I interrupted my older talkative sister and sighed, massaging my temples.

I pulled out my phone and texted Missy. Wanna go to the movies later?

She responded a minute later: Of course babe.

"Oh. Oh well, we could still talk about makeup and stuff if you'd like. Now go! You're going to be late!" Leah ushered me out of the kitchen, but I stopped her.

"Wait, what about my pancakes?" I argued. I finished at least three fourths of it.

"I'll eat them," She gave me a 'duh' look and I glared at her.

"No Leah don't!" I tried arguing but it was no use. She ate my pancakes. I'm telling you, Leah is the devil in disguise.

I exited out the door and grabbed my car keys, backpack, and my lunch and headed out.

Time to go to the hellhole.

/ /

R I L E Y ;

"So how was your study date?" A voice appeared from the side of my locker door. Maya's head appeared to the side, her face had a smirk plastered on it.

"Tutoring session you weirdo. Tutoring. Session. Tutoring session!" I repeated it over and over again so it would go through Maya's thick skull, knowing her, she would definitely not leave this alone.

"Well, how did it go, on your 'tutoring session'?" She asked me and slammed my locker shut, knowing I had grabbed everything.

"It was great. The only thing is, he doesn't need tutoring. He's just too lazy to do the work!" I muttered apprehensively.

"Aww! You can be his inspiration so he can get could grades! Oh my god, your guys baby's would be totally adorable! Oh and-" I cut off her squeal and fangirling with a groan.

"I swear, you'd get along with his older sister perfectly."

"You met his older sister?" She asked in disbelief.

"Uhh, yes?" With my words, she let out another ear piercing squeal. I was definitely going to become deaf with her high pitched noises.

"Oh right, sorry." She gave a sheepish smile. "But no way! You met Leah Friar?! She was a legend when she was here! Does she ship you guys?"

"Can you not?" I groaned again. She smirked at me and let out a laugh.

I ignored her random talk about Lucas and I. "C'mon you weirdo, let's get to class." I pulled her along and she was smiling like she saw a million dollars. She was obviously daydreaming.

"Alright, alright!"

/ /

HELLLOOOOO. this was mainly a filler chapter bc i didn't really know how to write this but then i got it but yayayayaya horsy for updates.

expect more coming soon.

keyword? parties.

peace, love, toddles,
s a m

ps this wasn't edited #noregrets

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