The Rules

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--Maria came over yesterday and Natasha told her all about the baby where she wants she/he to go to college where they want them to live and all other stuff they talked for around 4 hours just about the baby and Maria stayed for almost 10 hours. And the only reason she left was because she got called into work. Everyday Steve falls in love with her more and more--
"Hey Sexy"said Steve sitting on his couch as Natasha walked in.
"Hey Steve"said Natasha going to sit on the couch.
"So I called you sexy and all I got was Steve"
"Dont start"said Natasha getting frustrated.
"Oh sorry"said Steve sarcastically.
"Steve"said Natasha angry
"Steve can you get me some water"
"Yes Queen"said Steve going to get her some water
"Okay okay I'll stop"said Steve handing her some water.
"Thank you"said Natasha taking a drink.
--Natasha started to show each and every day and the tweets on Twitter still grew every single day. Steve was still upset about the whole thing and Natasha well she still cared but she just tried not to read then. One day Steve got a call to come back to New York for the avengers to meet because fury wants them to talk.All the avengers came to the meeting expect Natasha--

Back at Avengers Tower

"Congratulations Steve, but treat the child right because Natasha is my best friend and don't want to see her go through anything like Losing her child or her child's father"said Clint patting his back.
"Ill make sure nothing happens"said Steve.
"I know you will,now how is Natasha and the baby."said Clint taking his seat next to Steve.
"The baby is fine Natasha is still a little worked up about the Twitter thing"
"I could understand why,Is Natasha in New York"
"Yeah we're staying on a hotel so Nat doesn't have to see Tony and she can still see me every night"
"Can I see her?"
"Yeah you can come over later I'll text you the address of the hotel and the room"
"Thanks"said Clint as Thor, Bruce, and Tony walked in and sat down.
--Everyone sat in silence, Steve was mad at Tony, Bruce was mad at Steve and Tony was just an ass. As Fury walked in every one still sat in silence--
"I know I'm not the boss anymore but I think you guys all need my help because everyone is mad at everyone"said Fury
"Its all Steve's fault he had sex with the slut"said Stark as Steve got up ready to fight as Clint pulled him back.
"Calm down Steve"said Clint as Steve sat back down.
"Rule number 1 no one calls Natasha a slut"said fury.
"But it's fun"said Stark
"Rule Number 2 no more interviews to talk about Steve and Natasha"
"But"said Tony upset.
"Rule Number 3 every one needs to make up"said Fury as Steve rolled his eye's.
"Rule Number four if you said anything mean to Natasha on Twitter you have to apologize over Twitter and say everything you said wasn't true"
"And Finally Rule Number 5 you guys work together, I'll be watching you guys so don't mess up"said Fury leaving.
--Everyone just sat in silence, still Steve got up and left followed by Clint--
"Can I be the crazy uncle"said Clint following Steve to his car.
"Sure"said Steve getting in.
"Can I come with I haven't really see Natasha in a long tkme"

Back at the hotel

"Clint"said Natasha surprised
"Yeah I wanted to see you"said Clint giving her a hug.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever"
"How is the baby"
"Good"said Natasha looking at Steve smiling.
"I haven't seen you this happy in a long time"said Clint trying not to mention Twitter
"I guess Steve makes me happy"
"If it's a boy can you name him clint"
"I don know I'll have to talk to steve"said Natasha looking at Steve on his phone in the corner of the room.
"I thinking if it was a boy I would name him Clint if it was a girl Sarah"
"Why Sarah"
"That's Steve's mom's name"
"What about twins"
"Twins I don't even know"
"Well just consider it"
"Okay I will with Steve"
"You love him I can tell"
"Theyre is something about him that makes me smile"
"I told my wife and the kids and they want you and Steve to stay with us for a week or so, and Steve is good at cutting wood"
"I would love to see the kids especially the new one but I want to stay with Steve 24/7 so ill have to talk to him"
"Hey steve"said Natasha yelling at him.
"Yes"said Steve
"Clint wants to know of we would like to spend a week with him"
"Yeah that's fine"said Steve
"Thank you"said Natasha
"I probably should get going"said Clint giving Nat a hug and shaking Steve's hand.
"Bye Clint see you next week"said Nat
"Bye"said Clint as he left.

A/N I will be letting you guys vote for girl or boy or twins boy,boy--girl,girl--girl,boy
Voting is this Chapter and the next one and maybe the one after.

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