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Annabeth POV
Percy had 4 friends to show us, 2 boys about our age, one had blond hair almost as bright as apollo's and brilliant green eyes,not sea green like percy's grass green, he was smiling you could see in his eyes he was excited for something. The other looked very different had black hair that looked almost silver and blue eyes so dark they looked almost black he was tall he was)) smiling but you could tell he was thinking of a plan. Percy also had two friends who are girls. One girl had strait brown hair and light blue eyes she looked very kind, I recognised her from somewhere but I wasn't sure where. the other girl had amber eyes and wavy brown hair she looked mischievous but still like a good person kind of like the Stolls.
"So who are these guys percy, are you bringing random people to our table again"? Brown hair girl asked. Percy laughed.
" No and I told you last time was a joke, these "random" people are some of my best friends".
"Annabeth,Jason,Piper,Nico meet Erin (brown hair girl waved),Alice (blue eye girl waved),Collin (blonde guy said hi), and Raven ( black hair barley looked up).
Alice spoke " So your Percy's friends he said a bit about you guys,you all seem really nice". As soon as she spoke I knew where I recognised her.
Percy's P.O.V (just for a bit)
Annabeth looked at me looking sort of sad after Alice spoke, I wasn't sure why ,then she mouthed "Silena". I had forgotten about how I met Alice when I saw her in the hall I thought of Silena so I said hello and we became friends.
I shot Annabeth a reasuring look she smiled.
Jason P.O.V
Percy and Annabeth were having a silent conversation so I decided to talk.
" Since percy neglected to mention which one of us is which I'm Jason ,that's piper (piper said hey),that's Nico (nico smiled happily I might add), and that's Annabeth (annabeth smiled and said hello).
Nico checked his watch "so since lunch is almost over what classes do you guys have next" he asked
"Raven and I both have geography, but personally I don't like that class but you gotta have the bad classes when else are we gonna sleep" Collin answered
We laughed
"You know not all of us sleep Collin some of us don't want to fail,and Percy and I have English a personal favorite of mine" Alice said obviously annoyed with Collin
Percy looked annoyed and stuck out his tongue like he was disgusted by English class , which I knew he was.
"Hey I get tired" Collin replied offended by Alice's remark
"I have English too " I said
"I got Science can any of you show me the science lab"? Nico asked
" I've got Science too I can show you and your name is Nico right"
Erin said
"Yeah my name is Nico, and thanks".
"guess I'm stuck on my own with my elective" Annabeth said disappointed
"What is your elective"? Raven asked finally deciding to speak
"Cool, I like architecture but I prefer the other electives" Erin said
"Yeah wise girl here is a great architect she's even designing Olym- um
Olymtiak this ah building thing in San Francisco".
" well done Percy buildings are things " Erin said sarcastically
Percy looked offended
"Wise Girl"? Raven asked raising an eyebrow
" its just a nickname I call her"
"Oh and by the way I have a free period to study".
The Bell rung we packed up and went to class.
Thanks for reading and sorry for not updating I forgot that I had a story on wattpad
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September 13th 2015
Tell me what you think so far doesn't matter what year I just like 2nd opinions

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