Flash Back to Six Months AgoIt was November and I was freezing my butt off inside my rusty old, dark red Volkswagen Beetle. No heated seats. Nonna. Zip. I was bundled up in a soft, heavy, blue blanket my mom had made for me when I was a little kid. She had taken two large thin blankets and put them on top of each other. Then, she had taken scissors and cut the ends of the blankets all around, looking like tassels. After, she took the top and bottom strands and knotted them together, doing this all around until it was finished. It's best blanket I own.
I breathed out into the morning air, seeing my breath. Looking like smoke from a chimney. I rubbed my freezing hands together trying to get warmer but to no prevail.
I glanced out the diver's side window looking at my high school, Moonlight High School. School was about to start, so I opened the diver's side door and got out of the car. I, to forcibly, slammed the door shut, making a loud noise in the semi-crowded parking area. But no one noticed because they were to busy socializing with each other.
I headed toward the school and walked up the cement stairs into the open green double doors that led into the school main area.
I went to my locker that was to the left, next to the art room, and put the combination in and opened my locker. I got out my Chemistry and Algebra 2 books and shut the locker door.
"Hello, Miss. Angelic," a voice greeted behind me. I turned around, my blonde hair getting in my face in the process, to see the principal politely smiling at me.
"Hello, Principal Ryan. Do you need something because 1st period is about to start," I replied to him, tucking my hair behind my ears and trying to hide the urgency in my voice. I haven't been late to class before and I didn't want to start then.
"Yes, actually I would like to ask you a question. It will only take a second," he answered. The bell rang, meaning I had only 5 minutes to get to Chemistry class.
"Ok. What is the question?" I answered quickly but politely. Then I broke eye contact with the principal and glanced at the other people heading to their classes.
"Can you help me out? We can't get through to a student that comes here," Principal Ryan asked, his eyes pleading. "His name is Mason Wyatt and he has been skipping his classes and destroying school property. Can you teach him to be better and to be good student like you? If he doesn't stop his bad actions, I will have to expel him from school. Which I hate doing."
"Sure. Of course," I said with a smile so he could hurry it up and finish the conversation and I could just head to class that probably started in 3 minutes now. Even though I don't want to help this Mason guy who probably is a jerk that wouldn't probably listen to me anyway.
"Thank you, Miss. Angelic. Go to the school's library after school and he will be there for detention. You can start then."
"Will do. Bye, Principal Ryan," I replied and then I started to fast-walk to my Chemistry class.
"Bye, Miss. Angelic." And when I was out of his sight, I ran the rest of the way to class. Luckily I got through the door before the teacher could close it and I flopped into a desk chair in the front of the class. I let out a deep sigh.That was close. Then the teacher called out names for attendance and I remembered what I just agreed to do.
Great. I have to help a bad boy stop being bad. This wasn't going to be easy.
Thank you for reading. I hoped you liked it. ⭐️

Before My Heart Stops
Teen FictionMy hospital room is a blinding, bright white space. The heart monitor beeps from my bedside on the right. The beeps come slower and slower. Mason holds my small cold hand, which holds the tiny paper heart he gave me just seconds ago, in his big warm...