Chapter 3: Class is in session

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September 28, One year after the book was found:

"Mike, get up!" Birku whispered in my ear at 3 in the morning.

"What do you want? It's like, midnight!"

"Come outside with me."

What Birku showed me was the coolest thing I've ever seen, and still is to this day.

"Wow Birku, this is amazing! How does this even happen!"

"What your seeing Mike, is Magic Camp, in the morning, and yes, we are flying. and so are the dorms."

"But, where's the school?"

"Look down."

"I'm not dumb, Rick is my best friend."

"Just trust me."

When I looked down, the school was about 400 feet below me. But suddenly, and door appeared in front of me. When I opened it, it led to the main corridor, where magic scrimmages take place. I had a feeling Birku wanted to battle me.

"Go on, Mike, it's just a door."

"You want to battle me don't you."

"Precisely. I have already battled Chuck, he is quite a fighter, that one."

"Did he beat you?"

"Almost. If it wasn't for the look on his face when he tried to knock me out with a boulder from behind, he would have beaten me."

"WHAT! A BOULDER! THOSE CAN KILL YOU!!!" I shouted as we walked through.

"Yes, I know, but all injuries are magically cured after a victor emerges. ALL INJURIES. Even death, although, that usually only happens when the staff battles. Oh, and if anyone challenges you to a fight, right then and there, don't punch 'em in the face, they mean a magic battle. And that means you immediately go to the main corridor, which is where we are now. It's not really a corridor though. It's a big room, but whatever."

"That's good to know, but what is this even used for?"

"You know, to settle arguments, or as a tiebreaker during the Magic Games. We'll get to that later. But for now, I need to battle you to get a taste of your magical powers. And I am also your teacher. Along with Rick, Chuck, and Gracie. I know, pretty cool, I am the teacher for all...'advanced' students."

"How old are you, Birku?"


"Whoa really?"

"Yea, I know, seems a little weird, but it's still pretty cool."

"So are you going to battle me."

"That's why I came here. And it's your first day in school. Starting now."

"But it's like midnight!"

"7 in the morning actually."


So, Birku and I battles for a while, but your probably wondering what the main corridor looks like (They should really change the name). It has stone walls, and a wooden floor. It is about 300 sq. ft., and completely bare, except for the giant circle in the middle. Birku stepped in the circle, then I did, but once I did, it became a ball, instead of a circle on the floor. The ball was blue on the inside, I don't know what on the outside, but people could probably see through it in order to see the battle.

The battle lasted for about 10 minutes before I had to surrender, or give up, and to do that, you must place your palm and fist together, yell STOP!... And bow before your opponent saying: I surrender. I had to, because Birku made everything dark, and I couldn't see where he was. I tried shooting ice randomly for about 10 minutes, and then I just gave up.

"Yeah sorry, I didn't want to be involved, I just wanted to see you use magic. And I must say, you were pretty impressive. You almost hit me about 50 times. But the magic. Ice flying everywhere, boiling hot water floating around, and the most impressive aura grenades. I haven't seen those in years."

When my vison returned, I tried to process what he had just said.

"Aura grenades? Boiling hot water? I thought I was just throwing ice everywhere."

"And that is why I am here. To teach you and train you so you can master your powers."

"Powers. I thought it was magic."

"That's what gave you your elemental powers, magic. You can do regular magic though. AThings such as levitation, mind reading,-"

"Yeah I know about regular magic."

"Oh, okay... Look! Here come your friends. I hope you four are ready for an intense day of training! This is going to be fun! Don't worry, you'll be fine."

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