Chapter 2: Magic Camp

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We were surprised because the room had so many colors and patterns, it made you dizzy.

"Ahh... Class! These are our new students. Please take a seat. And you should know. My name is Mr. Teuran, and I will be your new magical instructor."

"So these are the nerds you've told us about?" Said one kid. Immediately I knew he would be trouble.

"Cole, I am in no mood for your nonsense." Mr. Teuran said, not very pleased.

Instantly, I had a feeling this 'Cole' was going to be trouble. But the bell rang before I could do anything. Although it wasn't like the bell you're used to. It was more of a siren.

"You four are staying with me." Mr Teuran said softly, we could hardly hear it.

"Please, take a seat."

"Are we gonna be hear long?" Rick asked, wanting to explore the training camp.

"No no, not very long. First off I need to know your names."

"Well I'm Mike."
"Charlie. Please, call me Chuck."
"Rick. Sir Rick."
"Gracie. And don't call him that."

"Alright then, now I need one of you to tell me about you magic experience."

"Well," Chuck said, "we can do many things. We can shape objects from our auras without draining them, we can each create a specific element, and by working together, we can create Cosmic magic. We can also fuse."

"Well Chuck, you and your friends here are the most talented young magicians I have ever seen. Well that is all I needed to know. Oh, and your belongings have been moved to your new quarters."

"Will we see Giero again?" Gracie asked, I believe she was very find of him, as she always had a respect for teachers.

"Of course you will, now go on, you have to explore."

"YAAAAAY!" Rick shouted at the top of his lungs. He really wanted to explore.

Our 'quarters' was more of a five person barrack, where we met our new friend. Which was obviously Kalendorian. His accent was quite noticeable.

"Oh hullo! You must be the new students. My name is Birku. Please make yourselves at home."

"Oh well thanks, I'm Mike, and this is Rick, Chuck and Gracie." I said, pointing to each one as I introduced them.

"Not from around here are you? Earth maybe?"

"Yeah, Earth."

Well we all moved in and stuff, although the 'barracks' were really dormitories. There was a boys dorm, and a girls dorm. When Chuck, Rick, and I were settling down for the night, Birku shared something quite interesting.

"Well uh, now that we're roommates, I guess I should tell you about my magical experience."

"Oh yes, please do." Chuck said a little too loud.

"Well, I am actually the only one in the world, that we know of, that can do the Cosmic and Light magics." Birku whispered, obviously so no one else could hear.

"Whoa really! That's cool!...What's the Light magic?" Rick asked, he asks questions a lot.

"Light magic is where I can make light, to like, blind someone, or take it away, to make someone's world pitch black, or I can make it into solid objects."

"That's not as impressive as I thought it would be." Chuck said.

"I can show you what it looks like. Here, watch this."

Birku made a blue shield and threw it at Chuck. But as soon as Birku snapped his fingers, the shield vanished. He also blinded Chuck, Rick, and I momentarily.

"Whoa, that's cool!" Rick shouted, probably loud enough for the whole camp to hear.

Speaking of the camp, it is just like any ordinary summer camp or whatever, but had magical symbols, drawings, or artifacts here and there. The entrance is about 75 yards from the 1st class boys dorm, which is where all of the soon-to-be graduates stayed. There is 10 'classes', going from your first year, usually at age 10, to your last year, at age 20. And above the main building, or the school, were the words: Yredom Bayetuun, and under it, in English, were the words: Magic Camp.

Seems like any ordinary camp right? But when you wake up in the morning, your whole world changes.

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