Chapter 4: Training

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"Gracie, Rick, Chuck, Mike, it is now time to start your magical training. And as I have explained to Mike, you have magical powers, which is different from regular magic. Magic is what gave you your powers, but you can also do ordinary magic. So...Do you have any questions?"

"Uh, yeah, where are we? And were we FLYING back there?" Chuck asked.

"You are currently in the main corridor, which is the M.B.S, or Magic Battle Simulator. And yes, you were flying. Now if you have no more questions-"

"IS THAT A CIRCLE?" Rick shouted.

"Uh, yes that's a circle. Now on to your training. I've noticed you four are special. You have elemental powers, which very few have. Now, most students I have-"

"You're a teacher? Cool." Gracie said.

"Yes, I am a teacher for advanced students here at Magic Camp, as you say it in your native tongue. Where was I? Oh yes. Most students I teach have Light, Nature, or Metallic powers. Those are just the basics. Usually my students are taught outside, but you are elemantalists, which pretty much means you each can wield a single element. This hasn't happened in thousands of years. Plus, there was only one, not four. And you can fuse! INCREDIBLE! The last two people that could fuse died 15 years ago in a magic accident. So very tragic. And above all, you can shape things out of your auras without draining them. No one as ever been able to do that. And speaking of auras, yours are the brightest I have ever seen! I can go on for days, which is about how long it will take me to learn all that there is ti know about your powers, but you must start your training."

"How long will our training take? For the day that is." I asked, I didn't want to be here all day, for I found myself wanting to explore more of the main building, we didn't get to do that.

"Well, you'll be here for about 5  hours before your meal break, or lunch break, and then you will be here for another 7 hours. Dinner is at 7:30 here in the main corridor. Don't ask, it just is, you'll see."

"What about breakfast?" Rick asked, he was always hungry.

"Oh yes breakfast. Here."

Birku snapped his fingers and 12 sausage, egg and cheese biscuits showed up in front of us. 3 for each of us I guess. And then three plates.

"Oooh. American." Rick mumbed.

"Ah, yes, 'American food'. I did my best, although I thought cheeseburgers would do better. I didn't think 'biscuits' were American."

"Well, they are for me!" Rick said, shoving a whole biscuit into his mouth.

"RICK! Disgusting! Ever heard of: 'small bites'?" Chuck said squirting hand sanitizer on his hands. He was very sanitary.

"Nope. It's a foreign concept to me."

"That explains a lot."

When we were done with our breakfast, Birku snapped his fingers, and the plates and leftover food vanished. Then he lead us into the training room, which is across the main corridor. The actual corridor, the hallway instead of the room. We started practicing with our elements when Rick accidently burned Chuck. Chuck, knowing this room was just like the other room, healing injuries, even death, crushed Rick between to walls of stone. Rick, now knowing the same, burst into flames, literally, and set Chucks clothes in fire. This battle went on for minutes, and Birku just took out a notepad and pencil, and the started to write. After Gracie and I had our laughs, we stopped the fight, because I put up a wall of ice, so they couldn't see each other and Gracie sent them flying back. We told the to stop, even though we knew, in the end, they were just having fun.

We had lunch, kept training, but 15 minutes before our training for the day ended, Birku taught us something new. As if we weren't learning new things all day. But this one wasn't exactly training. It was different.

"Now, before we go, I want to show you the elemental masters. These people have, like you, gotten elemental powers, and have mastered them, which you have not. They won't show up in the flesh, but they will be more like holograms, as you call them. They are really here, but also from somewhere else. Sounds confusing, but it's really not."

And with that, he snapped his fingers and I, and probably the others, except for Birku, were in a much smaller room, although I was in my room alone except for a man who looked real, but I knew he wasn't.

"Hello Mike. I have been looking forward to meeting you." The old man said, blue eyes and white beard glowing. His head glistened, but that was because he was bald.

"Are you the Water Master?"

"Yes, Mike, as a matter of fact I am. I know you have no idea where you are, and you're wondering where your friends are, but for now, just lay back, for I have a limited amount of time here."

"Uh, okay, I can do that." I said as I stretched out onto the table next to him.

"Don't worry, you will only hear things, and you won't see things if your eyes are shut. And trust me , you don't want to see them...Well then, close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and immediately, I could hear his voice.

 "The Water element that is the strongest of all the elements. For Water has all the aspects of the other elements. Ice, which is the solid form of water, can be as hard as Earth. Boiling water can be as hot as Fire. And Water Vapor can be as swift as air. But there is more. There is water itself, the balance between the elements. Water holds all the Elements together, but can also tear them apart. The power of Water can heal your friends, and inflict damage on your foes. Be careful with this power, for it can be very dangerous."

And with that, I opened my eyes, and Birku, Rick, Chuck, and Gracie, were all there waiting for me. Before I could say anything, all four of us erupted in a blinding light, but Birku seemed unaffected. And then, all five of our auras blared. Mine, now turquoise, Rick's a bright orange, Chuck's a light tan, and Gracie's chrome. Birku's aura also flared, but is was a purple. Then, an army of aromas came flooding in. Ocean water, Hickory woodsmoke, dirt, lavender, and chocolate filled the air. Ocean water, I guess for me, Hickory for Rick, as that is a type of wood, dirt obviously for Chuck, lavender for Birku, because both his aura and lavender are purple, and I don't know what the chocolate was for, probably for Gracie, but I don't know why.

I opened my eyes and he was gone. Rick was standing in front of me.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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