Chapter 27

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Sherlock observed the man standing before him as the magistrate informed them both of the serious nature of their promises, the obligations of marriage, and whatever sentimental drivel he chose to throw in along the way.  John had clearly charmed his notorious family if the smiles behind him, particularly on Great-Aunt Eunicetine's face, said anything at all. 

And now, John stood straight and proud, a serviceman's posture, and appeared to be listening quite closely to every word being said.  Sherlock knew about Harry's failings and John's valiant attempt to right everything.  He was marrying a stranger, marrying Sherlock, to save everyone whose livelihoods depended on his brother's estate.  It was noble, if a bit… well, no, Sherlock couldn’t quite bring himself to call the gesture 'stupid.'  John apparently thrived on self-sacrifice, first with the medical degree, then the army, now this.

Now John was looking at him, stonily he would say.  Uh oh.  He'd missed something.

"I do apologize," Sherlock said quietly.  "My mind wandered."

"It's fine, Sherlock."  John's hand reached out and touched his arm, took Sherlock's hand in his.  "Sir, please repeat the question."  Calm.  Caring.  Not angry that Sherlock had drifted off, though he could feel Mycroft seething at his side.

"Will you, Sherlock Holmes, take this man, Captain John Hamish Watson, to be your lawful husband, your helpmeet through all the triumphs and challenges this life may bring?"

"I will."  John's hand squeezed his.  Sherlock tried to tamp down the millions, no, thousands, no, hundreds, no, the one thought he had about John's hand in his.

"Will you offer your solemn vow to be true to your chosen companion, in the presence of your family and friends?"

"I will so vow."

"Will you promise to honor and respect your husband, cherish him in good times and bad, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I will."

There, his part was done.  Sherlock blew out a breath.  It had been more difficult than he had thought.  Sherlock, no matter what anyone believed, did not give his word lightly.  Mycroft relaxed a little beside him as John solemnly repeated his required responses.

They moved forward to begin signing the papers.  For John and Sherlock, it was just their marriage certificate and the magistrate's ledger.  For Mycroft, Harry and two other witnesses, it was much more, taking several quiet minutes. 

"You are so dutiful, John," Sherlock whispered to his new husband.  John stood facing forward, quite strong and stoic.  "I'm not making fun.  I can admire a quality without wishing it upon myself."  There, that broke John's shell a little.  He almost smiled.

Their brothers stepped back into their places after flourishing their signatures and shaking hands with the magistrate and the other.  The magistrate cleared his throat, settling the assemblage of Holmes' who'd begun to whisper in the interim. 

"I will now ask for Mr. Holmes and Captain Watson to share a kiss of peace and seal their promises to each other."

Sherlock tried somewhat unsuccessfully to contain the blush that rose to his face; his high cheekbones became suffused with red heat.  John had turned to look at him and lifted his face.  Of course, John was too short to kiss him without his cooperation.  Sherlock leaned forward and brushed his lips over the upturned corner of John's mouth as perfunctorily as possible.  Much to his chagrin, the familial spectators applauded his miniscule effort.  John seemed pleased enough, though and took his arm as they turned and were presented for the first time as husbands.

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