Chapter 10

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Dipper POV

I was in utter darkness again, but this time I could think a bit more clearer. For me I don't know how I got here again. I knew it had to deal with that pain in my head. Once Mom told me that we were leaving this pain just shot up and everything seem to be fuzzy. I don't remember anything after that. I don't know how long I've been back in this utter darkness....I wish I knew. Well more I wish I knew where I was. I was just floating around like last time.

Then a scream cut through the air...Mom? That did sounded like Mom. I tried calling out but again nothing came out. Then I felt really tense so did the whole area. I could feel the tension in the air...literally! There was more fear then before and it got colder the second.

"Get off!" Mabel? Mabel! I again tried calling out but nothing came out. Then Mom screamed again. I wish I knew what was going on, I wish I could see what was going fear..........

Mable POV

"Fetch!" Bipper ordered. Then the dogs went after us. Mom screamed loudly and pitchy. A dog jumped on me and pin me to the ground. I grab the dog's throat and kept it's sharp teeth away from my face. "Get off!" I screamed.

"I thought Mabel would be safe!" Gideon hiss, "You promise!" To be honest I didn't care that Gideon was in love with me at the moment. It was still gross and creepy but if Gideon made a deal with Bill saying something that i'll be safe then there is a chance that I won't get hurt. So there is a pro and a con with that. "Oh she is." Bipper reply. Then he snaps his fingures and the dog that was on top of me stop trying to bit my face off but still was on top of me.

Mom scremed again.

I turn my head and could see Grunkle Stan, with a bat in hand and Mom was behind him, was trying to protect my Mom. One of the dogs was after them Then I saw Grunkle Ford and Dad trap in a corner with Grunke Ford at the front, protecting my dad, and using the tall lamp to use as a weapon.

"Retrieve!" Bipper order. Then my dog growled at me. Then with a quick grab the dog had a huge mouth full of my sweater and part of my hair. I cried out in pain, "Ah hair! Hair! Hair!" Then the dog started to drag me toward Bipper and Gideon, "Hey don't you dare tear one single hair on her beautiful head! I'll skin you if you do!" Gideon hiss. The dog pause then let go but quickly readjust it's bit, now just grabby my sweating. Again pro and con with Gideon being in love with me.

Arh!" I heard Grunkle Ford crying out. I then saw that one of the dogs had a large mouth full of Grunkle Ford shoulder. Grunkle Ford shove the dog away, the Dog gave a very small whimper.

I got to fight back. I then started to squirm more and I mange to wiggle out of my sweater. I took off and ran into the kitchen. I then quickly gab the pan from the stove. The dog came after me and I swing the pan and smack it to the dog's face. The dog whimper, wich only brought me a little sadness. Usually it kills me to hear a dog whimper but not this time. Then the dog got even angrier and I raise my pan throatily, "Stay back!" I warned, "I'm not afraid to use this!" The dog then started to bark very aggressively and get very close. I swing the pan again, this time the dog was ready. The dog dough it and then jumped on me. It's teeth sank into my hair, "Ah! Not the hair! Ouch!" I screamed, "Hair! Hair!"

Then the dog started to drag me by the hair, I was still screaming and crying. it was a lot of pain to have your hair pulled by the dog.

"Mabel!" I heard Grunkle Ford called out. I saw him still in the corner with Dad and his shoulder was bleeding a lot. Then Grunkle Ford slams the lamp onto the dog's head. Then he quickly made a jump over the dog and tried to get to me. But then his dog came and bit him in the leg. Grunkle Ford fell to the ground. "You stupid mutt!" Grunkle Ford sneer. Then he kicks the dog in the face. The dog whimpers and let go.

Then the dog hisses and then jump to my dad, "Stanford!" Dad screamed as the dog bit him on the arm. Then Grunkle Ford slams the lamp on the dog's head.  The dog let got and fell to the ground. "You mutt!" I heard Grunkle Stan cried out. Then I saw that the dog had bitten him in the leg and it was gushing blood. Mom looked very pale and froze with fear.

Then the dog pulled me up to Bipper and Gideon, "Kill the rest." Bipper ordered. Then the other two dogs got really aggressive. Grunkle Stan's dog leapt toward Grunkle Stan's face. Grunkle Stan dough but Mom didn't act fast enough. the dog bit her on the side of the neck. "Mom!" I screamed as my mom screamed in pain.

Grunkle Stan grabs the dog and yanks the dog off my Mom. then Mom feel to the ground. "Julie!" Dad cried out. Then he quickly tried to rush over but Grunkle Ford's dog grab his leg. Dad fell to the ground. Then the dog started to chew on Dad's leg. Dad kicks the dog then jumps to his feet and went around the table to go to Mom.  I couldn't see her, since she was behind the table so I couldn't see them.

I had tears in my eyes from the pain and fear that my mother was dead.  I was scared and in pain. I want Dipper to be here with me.

Then Grunkle Stan's dog jumped over Grunkle Stan and attack Dad. My dad screamed and he went down. "Dad!" I screamed. Grunkle Stan then brought down hits bat at the dog. I heard whimpering. Then the dog jumped at Grunkle Stan bit him in the shoulder and Grunkle Stan fell.

Then Bipper walked up to Grunkle Ford, who was laying on the ground barely alive. He was laying in a pool of his own blood which was a lot. "Well, Well, Well, isn't the six finger author. You thought you got away from me years ago but you were wrong. Glasses." Then Bipper bent down and pulled out journal one from his coat, "Thank you!" Then Bipper turn but Grunkle ford grab his good ankle, " won't get away with this." Bipper laugh, "oh...I've already have Glasses." Then Bipper jerk his ankle away from Grunkle Ford's grip.

Then Bipper walked up to Gideon and me, "Well we've got to much to do." Then my dog got a better grip of my hair, and I wince in pain. Tears was flowing down my face. Then the other two dogs came up to Bipper and Gideon and they both grab one of them. "Well it's nice to have us drop by but we must go. Remember death isn't as easy people say or's worse...way worse." Then Bipper laugh, a long creepy laugh. Then I watch myself turn into a shadow and I watch as I left my family.

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