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Your POV:

He tied your arms to the arms of the chair with duct tape. Then using rope, he fastened it to the legs of the chair to your ankles.

Then he wrapped a handkerchief around your mouth with you protesting. He backhanded you in the face when you started to protest and that made you shut up. You felt a small cut from your right check and it was throbbing.

After rummaging through his bag, he brought out a camera and he held it in front of your face. He brought out a knife and hit the record button. His "Joker" voice came out.

"Well.... This is interesting.... Its like a scene from a movie, but its real! Look. I got someone you might know! Its the amazing, wonderful Y/N! The beautiful actress, in the hands of me! The Joker! Isn't it wonderful. Now, this is just fun. Fun. Fun! Keep checking in! Im gonna have fun with Batman's niece!"

Throughout this whole time, he kept holding your face, lightly slapping it, caressing your cheek with the blunt end of the knife. He turned the camera to himself and finally back to you. At the final part, he punched you in the nose and another at the jaw.

You leaned backed dizzily and watch him upload the video to your phone and posted it to all your social media. You saw a flood of notifications come up in the few seconds of the upload.

He looked you in the eyes and smiled creepily. After he flicked on the tv, he hopped onto one of the bed and flipped to the news channel. You guessed he wanted you to watch his "viral" video go up. You couldn't understand what he wants, theres no demand, no escape, just pure madness.

Your phone started to ring and text notifications came from everyone. He shut the ringer off and the hotel phone rang. You guessed he was waiting for that call. He put the phone on speaker, the voice at the end started speaking,

"This is the San Diego Police Department. Is this Y/N?"

"No this is The Joker. Y/N is a bit unavailable at the minute. How can I help you my dear?"

You tried to make some noise against your gag, and he growled at you. He came over to you and pressed his hand against your mouth.

"Sir, we need to know if Y/N is alright. We want to help you through this. Can we have a proof of life?"

"Of course! Check her social media, then you'll have a proof of life!"

He hung up immediately and brought your phone out. He started to take another video, but he first opened the window. Since you were on the 11th floor, he had to smash through the window in order for the window to be completely opened.

You can see from where you were sitting a lot of flashing lights and sirens coming towards the hotel. He set up your phone so it filmed the window area. He hit record and grabbed you and the chair towards the window.

Your eyes opened widely, seeing this as your death. You started to move against your bounds, but it was no use. He talked loudly against the wind, so the camera would pick up what he was saying. He put half of the chair out the window, and half of you inside.

The crowd below you spotted the ordeal happening, and chaos started. He pulled you inside, resulting the chair tipping with you in it against broken glass. As you cringe in pain, he grabbed a small grenade out of the bag and threw it out the window.

It didn't destroy anything, but it certainly caused mass chaos. You could hear screaming and whines of sirens coming in and out.

He pulled your chair up from the broken glass and quickly uploaded that whole video on your social media. Glass was in your hair, on your clothes and pierced into your skin.

He took off your gag and you stared at him. Is he trying to scare you? You finally spoke up.

"Whats your aim? Why are you doing this?"

"Its Fun!"

And that was the only answer you got from him.

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