Chapter One

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"No, absolutely not, are you kidding me?" Elliot had rejected about 70% of my wardrobe and we only had twenty minutes until we had to go to the bus stop.
"I have to wear something Elliot. Why don't you just pick it out and I'll wear that."
"Finally! Oh Elizabeth dear, I've been waiting all morning for you to say that! How bout... this!" He started oohing and ahhing as he held up a nice floral print, knee-length dress. My mom had gotten that for me on my twelfth birthday and I have yet to try it on or even look at it for that matter.
        "You need to dress to empress." Elliot repeated his life motto as he twirled the dress from his finger in front of the mirror.
        "Today is the first day of my junior year. I have exactly four friends and 3/4 of the entire school wouldn't know who I was even if my face was plastered on a billboard. So, Elliot Waters," I emphasized his name as I grabbed the dress from his hand causing it to stop spinning," who do I need to impress?"
He looked at me dead in the eye for exactly point two seconds and replied matter-of-factly, " why me of course! I have a reputation to uphold and I am not seen with just anybody. Plus that dress is mediocre at best and I don't need the guys staring at you, I need them staring at moi!"
I rolled my eyes as I slipped the dress over my head. "You have got to be the gayest person I have EVER met."
"Why thank you," he did a Beyoncé hair swish and snap as he turned and walked out of my room.
"Where are you going?" I called after him.
         "I have no idea!" He called back, and a few seconds later I heard the front door slam.

         "It's unbelievable! A level 6 spellbinder should NOT be able to defeat a level 8 axe grinder!"
We were on the bus and Emmett was complaining about Jasper beating him in some video game they were playing last night.
        "What can I say, I didn't mean to win, I'm just incapable of losing!" Jasper put his hands up in surrender and tried to look as innocent as possible while wearing a humongous smile on his face.
         "Unbelievable! Elliot should a level 6 spellbinder ever, in the history of the world-"
        "Eh eh eh! Emmett, honey, listen. I, as in me, do not care nor do I have any idea what you are talking about. Come back to me when you have a real problem." Elliot then began filing his nails and going back to his people magazine.
       "Unbelievable!" Emmett just sat there looking shocked and muttering 'unbelievable' under his breath over and over again.
My best friend, Louise, and I were comparing schedules. Our lockers couldn't be further apart but we did have three classes together and the same lunch period.
"Elizabeth, this is the year we will do something truly amazing, I can feel it!" Louise started doing a mini happy dance in her seat.
I smile at her and nod. She has said the exact same thing for twelve years straight, right before school starts. And every year, nothing "truly amazing" ever seems to happen.
"You're absolutely right." I reply.
For as many "truly amazing"s' that have come out of Louise's mouth, there have been "absolutely right"s' out of mine.
"You say that every year." Jasper pointed out.
"Well, that means at least one year I'll be right." Louise replied as the bus slowed to a stop in front of the school.
"Better hurry up sweetems, you've got 2 years to make it happen." Elliot added as he slipped his nail file into the front pocket of his backpack and stood up.
Once inside, we all split our separate ways and walked towards our lockers. Mine was in the B wing, so basically, I had to walk the farthest distance to get to every single one of my classes. Guess this year was as good as any to start carrying my backpack around with me.
B-106, B-107, B-108,.....B-109. Oh great! I saw a couple standing by my locker-no- not by my locker on top of it... sucking face. I stood still, kind of hovering right next to them, hoping one or the other would notice me. But to my utter dismay, the couple barely had time to breath let alone look at their surroundings.
"Um... Excuse me." I tapped the boy on the shoulder. He turned around acting like I just walked into their private hotel room and interrupted their make-out session.
"That's my locker." I continued hoping he would gladly move and stop staring at me as if I just murdered his brother.
They moved eventually, but I could still hear them talking to their friends about how much of a bitch I am.
I looked at the clock that was hung on the wall.... 7:30. I still had 10 minutes left until the bell rang for first period, but I gathered my things and headed there early.
There was one other girl in my first period geo/history class when I walked in 8 minutes early, but I didn't say hi or even make eye-contact. Social interactions weren't exactly my forte. We kind of sat in an awkward silence until 2 minutes were left before the bell and kids started drifting in and finding a seat next to their friends. Elliot, jasper, Louise, and Emmett all had different classes, so I was kind of a loner. It didn't really bother me, like I said, social interactions is a no go.

             "Hello class, I'm Mrs. Hansen. This year we will ingulf ourselfs into the wonderful study of geography and history of the world." Mrs. Hansen was a petite woman of maybe 4' 6'. I think I'll like her, I tend to really enjoy the teachers everyone else hates and by the looks some kids are giving her she doesn't seem to be a favorite.
               Mrs. Hansen seems to get the memo as well and slowly starts directing the whole class in my direction. About 10 minutes into class, a boy with dark brown hair leads a pack of about three other boys into the room. I recognize him as the suck-facer that was on top of my locker.
             "May I help you boys?" Mrs. Hansen asks with a smile.
             "Oh no. We're good, thanks for asking though." The boys then fill in four empty seats behind me.
            Mrs. Hansen's smile quickly turns to a scowl when she realizes that the foursome belong in her class... and were meant to be here 10 minutes ago. "Then maybe you can help me." Mrs. Hansen says with a fake smile plastered on her face though the brown-haired pack leader doesn't seem to note the sarcasm.
              "Sure thing teach. Whatcha need?"
             "An explanation..." Mrs. Hansen continued.
             "Of..." He still wasn't getting the vibe, though it was hitting me straight in the face.... hard.
              "Of why you, sir, and your little pose are strolling in 10 minutes late to my class."
               "Oh, umm, we couldn't find the room. I am so sorry though really. It won't happen again, we promise."
            It was a decent excuse but every kid in the room knew he was lying. Sadly, Mrs. Hansen decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and she continued on with her lecture.
            The pack leader's name is Ryan. I know that because his minions must have said his name a thousand times in the last two minutes. They wouldn't stop talking the entire time and even with Mrs. Hansen's undivided attention, I found myself getting majorly distracted.
             Near the end of class, Mrs. Hansen started talking about our first assignment- a partner project about climate and precipitation.
             I really want my partner to be Bryce Rally. He's the only other kid in the entire class paying attention and answering questions.
            But of course, with my leprechaun always sleeping on the job, I got partnered with Ryan Shean.
          Mrs. Hansen set us free to plan our project with our partner and I made my way up to her desk.
         "Mrs. Hansen, I was just wondering if maybe I could be placed with a different partner or if I could work alone. Are either of those even possible?" I tried to stay calm instead of screaming at the top of my lungs and begging for mercy.
              "Oh I wish I could Elizabeth, but I put you with Ryan. I figure maybe all your goodness will equal out all the umm... Not as good...ness."
             Oh great, now she was counting on me to work a miracle! Cancel out his badness, who does she think I am... Mother Theresa herself? I couldn't let her down. It's a really annoying little quirk about me, I hate to disappoint people.
              "Oh sure. Forget I asked." I mumbled it under my breath hoping she wouldn't hear.
              "Thanks! I knew I could count on you!"
              Dang it! She heard...
I slowly made my way back to my desk and sheepishly smiled at Ryan. He winked back and smirked. Didn't he have a girlfriend? Never mind, he probably did that to everyone.
              "So, my house at 4 tonight?" I was shocked at the forcefulness of his statement. More demanding than a question.
            "Ummm... Okay, yeah. Sure."
            "Cool." He then turned around and started talking to his friends. That was it? That was his idea of a plan?
            "I don't know where you live." I said a bit too loud so that he could hear me over his friends.
             He turned around with that "private hotel room and I just interrupted his make-out session" look and quickly scrawled his address on a piece of paper. Turns out I knew where that was so I didn't talk to him for the rest of the period. In fact, I kind of wished that the next 7 minutes would magically turn into 7 seconds so that I wouldn't have to listen to Ryan any longer and I wouldn't catch another glance of one of his minions hanging on his every word as if it were priceless.
            Ryan Shean is not priceless... He's a nuisance.

Hi! I'm Penny and I hoped you liked the first chapter of
Sweater Weather. Can't promise when I'll update, but I'll try. I'm not really sure why I'm writing this because like Elizabeth- I'm a nobody. If no one reads this, that is perfectly fine with me, I just love to create stories. Well... I'll write soon (hopefully) :) Bye!!!
              P.S.  as you can clearly see, this book uses famous people as their appearances. There might be personality similarities but they aren't these people     
Elizabeth Rockwell=Zoe Sugg
But Elizabeth is not a youtuber nor will she ever be one, she just looks like Zoe and has similar personality traits.

August 22nd, 2015

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