Chapter Two

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            We got off from school at 2:30, so Elliot, Louise, Emmett, Jasper, and I went to Park's View.
         ** Park's View is a place downtown with a bunch of little shops, restaurants, parks, and it's right on the bay**
            We stopped in Hobknobb Coffee, our favorite coffee shop, and sat down to just talk.
          "Well, Mrs. Hansen is a jerk. She is the only teacher that gave homework on the first freakin day!" Elliot stirred his iced latte with his straw and rambled about his teachers.
          "Mrs. Hansen!?!" I asked, surprised.
          " Uh... Yeah. That's what I just said"
          "Mrs. Hansen is my favorite teacher!" I replied.
           "You put Mrs. Hansen over Mr. Beck?" Jasper asked joining in.
           "Of course!" I said.
           "No way!" Elliot replied.
            We stared at each other. Elliot and I disagree on a lot of things. Then we look at each other and burst out laughing. This occasion was no exception. Elliot and I have never, ever been in a fight...ever.
             "Mr. Howard is my favorite." Louise added.
             "Our gym teacher? He's 24, inexperienced, and you hate gym!" I countered.
             Louise looked at me like I was crazy, " he taught gym? I was too busy staring at that gorgeous face of his. Now that man is my future baby daddy."
             "He's our teacher, you sicko!" Emmett added cracking up laughing.
            "In two years he won't be," Louise stated shrugging her shoulders.
After coffee, we all decided to check out some shops. Charmichaels's bookstore was one of our favorites so we went there. I decided to look at some new youtuber books (hehe :)) when I saw a familiar brown-haired pack leader... Ryan Shean.
Oh god! Please don't see me, please don't see me. I would just walk away but he's blocking the only exit. Then my leprechaun fell asleep... Again.
"Hey! Umm... Lisa, right?" I looked up acting like I hadn't seen him before.
"Elizabeth." I said trying to cut the conversation short before it even really began.
"Ah! I was close."
"Not really." I said annoyed. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone?
Ryan obviously didn't want to have a real conversation with me and the feeling was mutual.
He doubled over laughing. "Hey! Do you just want a ride to my house from here so that we can get the project done?"
I picked up a book and flipped it over as if I were reading the summary on the back. "Actually, I'm here with my friends so I think I'm good."
"You have friends?" He looked genuinely shocked and I couldn't help but get nervous flutteries in my stomach. Why does this always happen? Someone says one semi-rude thing to me and I burst out in tears.
I can feel the water hovering on the tip of my eyelid now. I put the book back down.
"Yes, I do. And if you'll excuse me I should be getting back to them right now." I slide past him but he grabs my wrist.
"Hey wait a second, maybe I know them. What's their names?"
"Trust me, you don't. But if you really care I'll make sure to bring a scrapbook for you when I come to your house... At 4." I said it sarcastically but as always he didn't get the memo.
           "Cool! I'd love to get to know them! They're all super smart too right? Which means that they may or may not have partners for that biology project in Mr. Villegas's."
             I knew he was just talking to me to get a good grade on our project. And to get my friends to help him as well.
             "Actually, I'm in Mr. Villegas's Biology with you. And I just so happen to know that me and my nerdy friends are working together on that project. So, so sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your plans but maybe you can get one of your idiotic make-out buddies to help you. I'm sure they would be more than willing. And who knows, you might even get lucky!" I smiled at him and confidently walked past.
            He didn't stop me this time and I easily slipped through. I don't know what came over me! If you told me an hour ago that I would talk like that to anyone let alone Ryan Shean, I would had said that you were crazy!
            I saw Emmett and Jasper checking out some minecraft handbooks so I quickly walked over to them.
             "Elizabeth! There you are! Now can you please tell this misinformed soul named Emmett that a herobrine is ultimately more skilled than a creeper." Jasper looked at me holding up a red book with the words minecraft: skills and tricks on the front cover.
                 "Jasper..." I said still smiling from ear to ear from my new sudden confidence.
                "Please, Elizabeth dear, you look demented, wipe that joker of a smile off your face this instance." Jasper was looking at me like I had two heads.
              I'm not really sure what I thinking but I quickly said, " if you wish," in a real creepy voice and my smile faded to a frown. I then skipped off towards Louise and Elliot.
            I could hear them talking behind me. "Jasper my dear friend," Emmett began.
             "Yes, Emmett?" Jasper replied.
              "You know what this means, don't you?"
              "That Elizabeth just made sinister seem like a true story?"
               "Then I suggest we start running." Jasper said.
              "What about Louise and Elliot?" Emmett asked worriedly.
              "It's too late for them my friend.... it's too late."

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