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Was I asleep? I couldn't feel any shackles or chains of chakra binding me anymore. I was free. There weren't any heavy weights restraining my wrists, nor my ankles. Instead, I felt what might have been thick bandages wrapped around my shins, knees, forehead, and left hand, replacing the thinner ones I had tried to medicate myself with before. But who would have done that for me?

Oh yeah, that's right...Hinata had come here to the containment house. We were supposed to mate while I was in Heat, but-...I had restrained myself here in the basement for her own good to keep from attacking her to the floor for a hot fucking-session. I figured it was her that was kind enough to take care of my injuries, then made sure of it as I sniffed at the air. I could smell my calming herbs used for Heat, the strong, chemical scent of medical-supplies, but possibly above all of that was the lovely scent of my little Hinata Hyuga: Inedible strawberries and vanilla.

As I shifted lightly in my unconsciousness, I felt the cold, hard, wooden floor beneath me. It was no longer hurting my back; not when there were fluffy blankets laid out all around me to comfort me in my slumber.

How sweet...Hinata made me a little bed by the corner where I had fallen asleep. She kinda tucked me in too, except for my left arm, which was out with my hand on a soft surface. I then paid attention and heard a soft pricking sound, realizing she was stitching the last of my wounds.

That kind little angel...She was practically being anurse to me.

I was able to gather enough strength to move my left hand, understanding that the soft surface it laid upon might have been her knee. I was topless and pantless, also...That I learned with some more shifts here and there, feeling the blankets touch my bare body. I still had on my boxer-briefs, however...Hinata might have taken everything else off to examine me for further injuries and to make it easier for herself to stitch me.

With a bit of effort, I was able to part my tired eyelids, preparing them for any light that would hit me and render me sore after what felt like a really long nap. However, there was no light. The basement was dim and the small brightness I had seen behind the darkness of my shut eyes had been coming from a tall white candle burning over a porcelain plate, next to a pair of crossed, bare legs. I recognized those lovely limbs; they were short, slender and fragile, and nearly the color of condensed milk...They were Hinata's of course, glistening softly in the candlelight. Her flesh had this soft, pale glow beneath the silky sheen left behind by an unscented lotion. I wanted to feel her; slide my hands up her tiny ankles to hold her soft, velveteen calves and nuzzle her shins with my face.

Gosh, I barely woke up and I was already fantasizing about my mate...But-...Honestly, I couldn't help it. She was so beautiful; even more in what looked like a short, silken robe she had changed into. Or was it some sort of nightgown? Well, whatever it was, it was a light lavender color like her large, pupil-less eyes, and with golden and red floral patterns. I then realized Hinata was wearing a kimono. She probably hadn't much under it, for I could see the little white lace of her panties between her thighs. I noticed Hinata had tried to cover herself by how the ends of her kimono were folded between her legs...But she failed a little, unknowing to her. I could still peek at her cute little panties when I wasn't gazing at her delicate knees or her perfectly-painted red toenails.

Hinata had the most adorable feet. They were so tiny and clean and glistened from lotion like her legs. This time, I just couldn't help myself. I found enough strength to move my hand out of her grasp, gently tracing my fingertips down her shin, her ankle, to the top of her foot. Her toes instantly curled as she rest of her body shook softly, a soft gasp tumbling from her shy lips.

I averted my gaze up to Hinata's face and smiled weakly at what I saw. She was blushing at me, her eyes brimming with shock, and brimming with those long, dark lashes she had. Hinata batted them at me innocently, though that small and unintended gesture gave me the wildest butterflies. She looked like one of those expensive porcelain dolls my sister had as a child; the ones with those eyes that'd shut when the dolls were laid on their backs. Hinata had those big, angelic eyes. I always found myself getting lost in them whenever I'd stare into them for too long.

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