Chapter 2

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On the side is Elijah.

Gone. - Chapter 2

   "You're late." The teacher says as I walk into the classroom. All eyes turn to the door and watch me, I hear someone snicker and I glare at them. It was a girl with ginger hair, she was pretty and all but not for long. Ella, be nice sweetheart. It's your first day don't do anything yet. The stupid voice in my head says.

"Take a seat please." The teacher says, his voice is fucking annoying.

    I walk all the way to the back and take a seat. It was next to a black and red haired boy, he turns to me and smile but frowns when I just give a blank look. What? What can I possibly do for him? Smile back, show him your beautiful smile. I wish this voice will disappear. It's all his fault and now I'm stuck with this annoying voice. No baby, your just fucking crazy. I shake my head and out my hand on my forehead.

"You okay?" The boy ask, I turn at him with a glare.


"You don't look okay, are you-"

"I said I'm fucking fine, fuck off." He chuckles. Did I make a joke?

"Your hot when your angry, what's your name?"

"Why should I tell you? I don't know you nor want to. Like I said before , fuck off jackass."

"I'm Michael, Michael Clifford. I'll bad ass." I roll my eyes.

"Okay, now for the rest of the class I want you to write a paragraph of anything. It can be anything. And at the end I want everybody to take turns and read what you have out loud. Clear?" The class mumbles and the teacher claps his hands and we all start writing.


  "Okay, times up. Let's share. Who's first?" The teacher says, I wasn't on planning learning his name any time point cause he wasn't planning learning mine. A girl raise her hand. It was the ginger heard chick. I mutter under my breath, I didn't want to hear this girl to be honest.

"Hello, well I wrote about love. So love, in my option it's a beautiful and hurtful thing. Love is a blessing and curse, you feel so special when loving someone and that most likely makes you feel different. Love is also a curse. In love it isn't always perfect, there will be fights and tears and heartbreak, but if you really love that person you know that it's really worth it. Think about it this way; if you were to love someone so much, gave so much effort, time, love, and tears into a person would it be a good idea to just walk away from him/her?" The ginger finishes with a smile. I roll my eyes.

     "That was beautiful Hannah, next?" He says. Go beautiful, show them what you have. If you don't stupid the hell I swear I'll come in there for you. You wouldn't hurt me.

"I'll go." I say raising my hand. The whole class turn and look at me.

"Okay, what's your name?"

"Ella." He nods.

"Go ahead Ella. "

    I stand up from my seat and feel all eyes on me still, I turn around and face the class. I clear my throat and I look back to my seat and I look at the Michael guy, he smirks.

"Uh, okay, so I wrote about depression. Everyone knows about it, if you were to look it up on Google it would say something like this;" Depression is a common mental disorder, characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness and poor concentration.

It can be long lasting or recurrent, substantially impairing a person's ability to function at work or school, or cope with daily life. At its most severe, depression can lead to suicide. When mild, depression can be treated without medicines but, when moderate or severe, people may need medication and professional talking treatments". But everyone has it, their just to good at hiding it. But depression doesn't involve wanting attention, cutting, wanting to kill yourself, it's actually none of that. Depression is when someone feels lonely in a crowd, when someone feels like their nothing to the one person they want to be special to, when someone just feels so lost and hurt." I look down as I hear claps. I look up confused and I look at my teacher, he nods his head with a small smile.

"That's was wonderful Ella. I really love what you wrote there." I nod. The ginger hair girl, or should I say Hannah, snorted as I walked by.

"What are you? A pig?" And I walk to my seat.

"Great job Bad Ass, you did good for your first class." The Michael guys says to me. I nod at him. The class goes on and the bells ring.

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