Alucard and I

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My P.O.V.

I was in an old, slightly western and slightly English town, where I was walking around looking for a fight. I was wearing a dark green zipped up hoodie with dark blue jeans and black work boots. The streets weren't fully crowded, as it was about 10 at night, but there still was a fair amount of people lurking around.

I saw movement in my periphials, and I noticed a tall, about 6'2", man dressed in a dark colored cowboy hat, black jacket, black jeans, and dark boots that looked like combat boots, but I couldn't take a look without seeming like I'm staring at him, even though he's following me. I'm weird like that, I know, but he's creepy and I moving toward the 24 hour convienience store. The store was placed around some old buildings that were already closed for the day, and as soon as I see the store sliding glass doors open from someone else leaving, I dart forward into the store and move toward one of the aisle's, while simultaneously looking back to see if my stalker followed...which he/she/it did not...instead I find that he's across the narrow street, leaning against a tree with his arms folded and his head bowed, almost like he Wasn't waiting for anyone.

I checked my surroundings and found that the store had a back door that opens out into a side alley, but before I completely went and checked it out to see if it was a possible escape, one of the store clerks came over and he asked if he could help with anything. I had asked him if the back door had any alarms, and he said that they didn't, but that it was still un-wise to go that way, and before I could ask him what he meant, the lights flickered a little and both of our heads shot up and looked around to see what caused it. I looked toward the front, and spotted my stalker standing in front of the doors, where the lights of the store signs should've lighted him up, but he was coated in black.

My original plan was to wait him out, from inside the store, but with him so close, and looking so ominous, I thought better to move away from the front. As I moved away from the front, the stalker moved forward, but still the doors did not slide open, and I was getting some goosebumps from just the creepy aura that I was feeling. Unluckily, for me that is, the lights went out, and I heard the door ding and sliding doors whoosh open, and my plan was faulty as I moved toward the back of the store to the back door as fast and as quietly as possible. I may have been hasty when I chose to exit out the back door, because I now had an impossibly tall, cemented wall on one side and a 10 foot tall chain-link fence on the other side toward the street. I'm not a fast climber, nor could I punch through a solid cement wall in the short amount of time that I had, so I do what I always did in tight situations...I face them head on. I walked over to the other side of alley, turned around and faced the back door with my arms crossed over my chest, so that my back was covered, and I calmed my breathing down. In that short 2 minutes, I was calm, and just in time too, for the door opened and out comes my stalker in his full-on creepy aura mode.

The man, and it is a man, had opened the back door to see me waiting on the opposite wall, and orders the store clerk, who was actually the Manager, who also had red eyes and a creepy grin, to shut and lock the back door and to leave them be and to lock up the store. The Manager replied with a "Yes, sir" and "Have a nice night, sir" before he closed the door and locked it. The man watched the man do his job before he turns his attention back to me, and I was watching him intently. He walked toward me with a predators gate, slow, silent, and purposeful. I couldn't see his face but I think that he was smiling or smirking - I couldn't tell. I had a plan of attack, but I have to wait until he comes into my range of attack. The man stopped just outside of the area, and I almost blew my facade by dropping my guard.

"Prey usually have a fast heartbeat, like I could almost dance to it, but yours is slow and steady," stated the man in black as he continued to stare at me from outside of my range. What caught my attention was the word, prey, and I almost attacked out of startled fear, but I reigned it in.

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