Hard Tests and Assassination

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I had a strange dream, last night, about my upcoming exam for Policing, which is on Thursday night at 5:30pm, and here I am walking to my class in Franklin Hall (room 308) when I notice that the classroom, itself, had been turned from an ordinary classroom full of long-tables and chairs to an obstacle course. It was like the room was magically expanded to accompany the massive structures that even the military would have noticed that their obstacle course was missing, but that couldn't be right because magic doesn't really exist and for it to be in my dreams felt odd. It turns out that the written exam was replaced with an actually physical exam where you couldn't move onto the next structure until you had answered the question (whether right or wrong) and the very last question was the hardest. I was already feeling exhausted, but I needed to finish the test. So, I ran to the bars and pulled myself up and down and up again for ten times, then I dropped and ran to the rope bridge and swung across and jumped off and landed on the platform, but I stumbled a little as I was shaking from the over-taxed muscles, but I kept moving. I stumbled up a wooden cone thing that had a knotted rope to pull myself up, and I dropped down on the other side of it, and I felt like I was actually losing air instead of gaining. Fear was clouding my judgment, because the very last obstacle was to climb over a wooden wall then drop down and under a lowered beam then raise yourself up on the next on a raised bar and hold until the signal which was when the platform came into view and timing couldn't be timed. My fear of heights was making the task more daunting than it should be, because of the last bar where I need to hold is held over what appeared to a bottomless pit. I swallowed my rising fear and proceeded on and when I landed on the platform twenty minutes later, I was trembling both from over-exhaustion and fear, and I needed to take a breather, but I couldn't take much time because my last obstacle was another hanger-ish thing.

I saw my teacher and classmates on the other side, watching me, and I moved to the last one, which was to climb up a rock wall structure but at the top, instead of a bell, there was a length wide hole and I needed to jump up and grab the last hold and climb over, but I did not know that when I grabbed the last hold that the rest of the rock wall fell away, and my fear was back, ten-fold, and I was slipping. I could see my classmates cheering me on and I slowly raised myself up on trembling arms, but my legs were stuck - stiff - and I couldn't move them. So, I was stuck half-way over and my legs weren't moving to climb the rest of the way. I thought that I may have pinched a nerve, but then I would have felt some lingering pain or something, but I wasn't, I wasn't feeling anything. My legs were just dangling there, but I could still move my hips and I started to swing my hips in hope that I could swing on up the platform. My arms were shaking like a leaf the entire time that I was swinging my hips, because I'm using the rest of my strength to swing myself up. When I finally make me way up onto the platform, the teacher comes over, not to help me up, but to tell me that I missed a question and that if I wanted to pass his class then I need to go back through the course again. I looked up at him in disbelief, then I turned my head to look at the students and they were laughing and smiling down at me, because I have to go through the whole course again, and here I am feeling faint and shaking like a leaf, but at least I can feel my legs again.

So, I take a few seconds to breath and begin to move to stand up and go back to the starting line to retake the class when the Dean of the Criminal Justice Program came in and ordered that he saw the whole thing and that I did not miss any questions, and that I be allowed to cross the finish line with the rest of my classmates. My teacher was glaring at him and some of the students as well, but I didn't acknowledge the teacher as I turned around and moved to the finish line. I cross the finish line and collapse from exhaustion, and somehow made the record score and passed the class even though the teacher was down-right nasty to me.

When I wake up, I'm in a new dream where I'm an assassin that has an assignment on the Columbus State Campus, which couldn't be right, because my assassination classes were on the campus as well. As I moved toward the cafeteria, I noticed that someone was tailing me from the archway, and I looked behind me as if I was looking around in wonder, and I find that it's a kid, and he was staring at me. I smiled at him and waved, and he just kept staring at me. I shrugged at the kid, and moved back toward the cafeteria when I felt danger, and I whirled around to deflect a throwing star (shuriken), but I did not see the person from behind the kid, and missed the silver gun pointed at my heart, and that person smirked then shot me in the heart, and at point-blank range I couldn't react fast enough, and I died, or at least I think I did, either way I wake up in reality. 

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