1-800 Hotline Bling

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Long Island, New York
August 20th 2015
Octavia's POV

I was walking home from Diana's house at night which was a first. She had some sort of date with her mans so I left, just so she could get dolled up for him.

Since I was scared of walking home this late, in the dark, I had Devin talking to me on the phone the whole way.

"What language do they speak in Guyana?" Dev asked.

"English." I laughed. "We just have an accent I guess. Well my parents have one I don't."

"You do have an accent though. I love it." He replied. I had the stupidest smile on my face, thank god he couldn't see it.

I approached my house and saw a figure sitting on the stoop. It couldn't have been my brother, because he was out with my parents until tomorrow night. They went to a resort for a day. I was still on punishment from the incident before so I was left at home. I didn't want to go anyways, considering my relationship with my dad is basically shattered.

"Hold on Dev," I said, placing the phone between my ear and my shoulder. "Yo!" I said, getting closer to the person, getting their attention. My name isn't Diana, I actually had the balls to deal with these things. The person stood up. I walked on the path that led to my front door, the face got clearer.

"1-800 Hotline Bling baby." Dev said hanging up the phone and looking down at me from the stoop.

"Yo you're so annoying." I laughed. It was dark but the street light still caught Dev's earrings, making them sparkle. "How do you have my address, and why'd you come out here from Jersey?" I asked.

"This sounds creepy but, you don't have your Instagram locations off. So every time you post from your house it says the location." He chuckled. "And my sister had rehearsal in Manhatten, so I took the train out here to visit you." He smiled.

I unlocked the door and let him inside. We sat in the den as I set up Netflix. Now, I was going to sit a few inches away from the kid, due to morals, but I mean we already kissed so fuck it! He wrapped his arm around me as I laid on his chest. Thank god my parents were out of town, so I got to wear the cute clothes that Diana let me borrow, instead of the long fabric that they make me wear.

I didn't know what time Devin had to be back in Manhatten, but I was just living in the moment.

This sounds so cliche but I was getting a little sleepy and fell asleep on Dev's chest. Our breathing in sync and the sound of his heartbeat, so calming. I drifted to sleep so easy.

"Octavia get up!" A deep voice yelled, startling me from my sleep. I woke up to see Dev standing on one side of the den, and my dad hovering over me. My mom and my brother standing in the doorway.

"Dad I swear it's not what it looks like." I said getting up to defend Devin. This Jersey kid has probably never seen any of this Long Island action.

"Not what it looks like?! What is this honey honey boo boo clothing?! Are you looking for some honey honey in your boo boo?!" He yelled in his thick Guyanese accent. "You know what I can't take this." He pushed passed the couch and headed to the closet in the den. Everyone's eyes followed the mans movements. He opened the closet and pulled out the BB gun.

"OOH NOO NO NOO!" Everyone yelled in unison. My mom ran toward him, forcing him to put the gun away. Using this as a distraction, I forced Devin out the door that led to the backyard.

"Call me later." He whispered, quickly kissing my cheek and exiting.

"Octavia! To your room!" My mom yelled, still trying to hold my dad back.

"You're fucked." Augustus laughed as I pushed passed him. I'll strangle him later if the lord don't hold me back.

Times Square, New York
August 20th 2015
Diana's POV

This frozen yogurt shop was freezing from the AC blasting. Kev lent me his black hoodie since he claims he wasn't cold. I peep them goosebumps boy.

"So, we just not going to talk about, 'single buhh u could change that'?" I asked, putting another spoonful in my mouth. I wasn't going to say anything about it at first, but I decided to come out my shell tonight.

"Yeah...about that," He said, turning red. Too cute. I raised a brow, waiting for him to continue. "I just thought it was corny. I'm going to put something else in there to verify that I'm single though." He laughed.

"Oh alright." I laughed, turning away so I could laugh some more. He's funny.

"That's it? Okay whatever." He said, licking the dollop of yogurt that was on his spoon. "I was just about to tell you the real reason too."

"No tell me." I said, turning back to him and smiling in his face, batting my eyelashes.

"All jokes aside, I deadass want you as my girl buhh, it kinda has to be lowkey. I hate to keep it under wraps like that but you know how I love my Digaz." He explained. "So I felt like taking that one detail out there kinda showed a bit of how I feel." He smiled. I laughed. He stopped smiling. "What?" He asked.

"You're so, I don't know. You're shy and I'm shy, so nothing is going to get done." I laughed some more. "Just ask me to be your girl, K.Lit." I smiled.

"Aiight bett." He said getting serious. "Diana, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked looking into my eyes. Like a movie. I just bursted out laughing and so did he. Surrounding people looking at us crazy but it's whatever.

"Ooh yes Kevin Alston, I'll be yours." I pretended to swoon over him, causing us to laugh some more. Not only were we both shy, but we were both goofy. Not really sure how thing was going to mix, but hopefully it leads to great things.

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