Dream (Justin Bieber) Final!!!

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It's Justin's birthday tomorrow and I have to leave It's breaking me!!! Justin took me to the tour bus. "I guess this is our last hour together." I cried "Yeah, I guess so." He started tearing up. I sat on the sofa and Justin came and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and I buried my head in his neck. He sat fiddling with my hair. He started singing to me and, Pattie looked over at me and smiled I went red and buried my head. Then the tour bus stopped. It has arrived.

I burst out crying. I gave Pattie a hug. Then Scooter, I then gave Kenny a bear hug. I grabbed my stuff. "Justin... Promise you will never forget me?" "I promise" He grabbed my little finger "I pinky promise I will never forget you." He shivered. "Justin! I don't want to leave! I can't! I won't!" "Nicole! You have too-" "No Justin!!! I am not leaving you!" I hugged him tight, "Nicole!!!" my mum screamed from behind me. "Mum!" I ran over to her! "Mum I actually can't leave Justin!" "You have to Nicole." I cried and went inside. I didn't even say goodbye to Justin. I was crying so hard I didn't notice.

Then the door slammed. And the room door that I was in crashed open... I was sat there on the chairs with no back on, he grabbed my waist and lifted me up. "I am never leaving you Nicole." He whispered. "But you are!!! You say that all the time but you are!!" I screamed, he put me down. "What, am I coming with you or something?" Justin smiled. "Well...." Justin started. That's all I needed to hear. I ran up to him. "But.. You got me all worked up for nothing!" I hugged him tight. Like almost suffocating him. "Wait, My parents." I ran outside and my mum and dad were smiling... "Can-" They cut me off "Yes!!" They screamed! "Ahh!" I screamed louder!! I couldn't believe what was happening! it was the best day of my life!

The next day: Justin's birthday. "Happy birthday babe!" I whispered in his ear "Thanks, Oh you didn't forget then?" "How could I?" I handed him a big bag. He opened it. It had A photo of me and him at the concert singing Overboard together, Purple Supras, Ninja boxers. and a swag hat. His face lit up. he got out of bed... MMM Shirtless now 17 year old Justin MMM.... My face lit up. He put his Purple Ninja Pj's on. And he went out. I came out in my shorts and vest from what I slept in and the whole crew was singing happy birthday. I jumped on his back and kissed him softly on the neck



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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