Dream (Justin Bieber) Part 2

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We arranged dinner for 6pm. I got back at 2pm, so our family didn't have much time till the dinner... It was 4pm. So we all decided to get ready. I walked up into my room and I heard someone playing the drums. They sounded to familiar, like Kidrauhl, off Youtube. And that reminded me to check to see if he messaged me back. He hadn't. my heart broke a little as its been just under a week. So I decided since I had a hour and 45 minutes to get ready I thought I would do another song...

Then I heard Pattie shouting at his son....  "Justin!!! We have guests soon! get ready please!" Shouted Pattie "Ok mom!" He exclaimed. After it went silent so you just carried on singing. At that moment I had a message come through, which I was really miffed of about at first because I had to stop singing. But when I found out who it was my heart skipped a beat. It was from Kidrauhl, it said...

"Hi! I have moved, so we can talk again, lol :)"

I replied "Sorry! I can't now! I have to go round my new neighbours for tea. When I get back we will yeah?"

So it was time for dinner. I lead my mom and dad to the house. I knocked on the door and waited until Pattie answered. When Pattie answered mom and dad introduced themselves. She escorted us in and we just stood there. All of us stood there our mouths dropped (yes mine dropped again) and stood there taking in the breath taking scenery of the house...

"Well don't just stand there. I'll lead you to the dining hall!" Pattie said laughing

She took us to the dining room. As soon as you walk in you see a long table with 4 chairs either sides and 1 either end. "Take your pick folks... sit anywhere you like....... Justin! Dinner!!" Pattie shouted. "Ok!" Justin said.

Dream (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now