Chapter 5

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Deceiving Looks

Chapter 5



*2 weeks later*

"Alex you have your phone and charger right? Oh, and don't forget your toothbrush...or your retainers! Did you remember to pack your special things incase you run into monthly problems? You think you need extra cash? I've got some more stored away and Jared I hope you're packing more than a week's worth of undies because accidents happen. Remember that time in 7th grade when-"

"Okay: yes, yes, got it, wouldn't forget it, I did pack tampons and no we don't need extra cash, mom, you've given us so much already. Also, I'm sure JD is perfectly capable of packing underwear", I chuckled.

We were doing some last minute packing for our trip. We are due in the airport in 2 hours. JD had come over a few minutes ago and he was sitting in my room waiting for me to finish.

"Yeah Ma, take a break. You're making me tired watching you run around so much", JD joked at my mom.

Mom sighed, "I know. It's just, you two are my babies and you've never been so far away from home and I just want to know that you are fully prepared to be out there."

I smiled and kissed her cheek after JD gave her one of his bear-hugs. It got overwhelming having my mom over my shoulder constantly telling me how to pack my things, but I loved that she cared so much.

Once I was finished packing, I put my things in the trunk of the car and kissed both my parents on the cheek. I then went to say goodbye to Kat.

"Alright squirt, my room is yours for the next two weeks. Enjoy it, don't destroy it. Also, get prepared to go back to school Monday, suspension doesn't last forever", I ruffled her hair.

"Honestly, even though I got suspended, I couldn't be more satisfied. Not only did I get an A on my project, but I also managed to embarrass Jeremiah in front of most of the student body".

I laughed at her enthusiasm. You see, it turns out that this Jeremiah kid totally dragged my sister along and pretended to have feelings for her and then proceeded to publicly humiliate her by calling her a freak in the cafeteria and saying that she would never be good enough for him. He also then admitted to have been using her to complete a project with some other chick in the class.

So basically, the loser had toyed with Kat's emotions and then left her to do a huge project on her own. After she told me the story, I may have encouraged her to get her revenge on that little twerp.

This so-called revenge consisted of a week's worth of itching powder, an ant infested locker, a loose tarantula and fake letters from secret admirers. Kat got caught and was suspended for a week. My parents were furious at first, but they realized that one week wouldn't harm her grades because the girl is a genius.

I waved goodbye and got in the passenger side of the blue Juke and JD drove us to the airport. We parked, got our bags and went through all the boring airport procedures.

Hours later we were finally in our seats, ready for take off.

"Oh, this is so exciting", I squealed, squeezing JD's arms.

He laughed and put his arm around me, "this is what we've wanted since 6th grade. It's unreal".

I shook my head in agreement.

"You know, the last time I went on a plane, I was 7 years old. I wonder why we stopped booking flights", I asked aloud.


I coughed and gasped for air as my stomach churned.

"JD, I'm gonna need another bag please", I said right before I gagged and hurled into the brown bag on my lap.

"Oh, that's so disgusting", he said in a nasally voice, "well, at least we know why you guys stopped flying."

He tried rubbing my back soothingly but that did nothing for the sickness I felt inside.

"I cannot wait for our layover", I grumbled out


hello beautiful creatures! How have y'all been? Can you believe it's been three months since my last update???? UNBELIEVABLE. I'm just waiting for you guys to ditch me and this story, but hopefully you won't! To those of you still reading, I love you all so so so much, you guys are my inspiration. Hope you enjoy this filler chapter. London is where sh&! gets real, so please keep reading!


(P.S. It's almost 3 AM and I feel as if it were 3 PM....hooray )

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