Chapter 6

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Deceiving Looks

Chapter 6



I drank a fat cup of coffee not realizing it was that late, so instead of wasting my time doing nothing, I've decided to update for you guys. Enjoy!


"Alexandra", a soft voice whispered. I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by darkness.

Déjà vu.

"Alexandra", the voice repeated. It was low and soft and I couldn't tell whether t was a man or woman. But, it was so gentle and inviting that I felt inclined to follow it.

I had no sense of direction, and I couldn't see. The voice wasn't coming from any particular spot, but my gut told me to take a step forward. Then another one. And another.

It continued on like for a few feet until my toe hit what like a ledge. After further inspection, I realized it was a set of stairs.

"Don't be shy, my dear. Please, make your way up", the voice cooed.

A part of me knew that this felt weird. It felt familiar. But the voice lulled me, and I fell under some sort of trance. I counted 13 steps before the voice spoke again.

"I'm so glad you could make it", it whispered, "we have much to discuss".

I still could not tell distinguish whether the voice was male or female. But it was silky and alluring. I felt the presence of another being in front of me, and I knew that this was the stranger who owned the soft voice.

At this point my eyes had adjusted to darkness and I could see better. It was as if there was moonlight cast upon and around me, yet there was no moon. Nor sky. Or anythign for that matter. It was just dark.

The person in front of me did not have the physique of a man, nor a woman. But it was human. It motioned me forward as it turned and walked away from me. I followed it closely behind.

I wanted to turn around and go back, but no matter how loud my brain screamed at legs to move, nothing happened. I had little control over my own body.

Pretty soon I felt water beneath my feet, my shoes making a squishy sound with every step. Some of the water splashed onto my bare calf and I reached down to wipe it off.

"Alexandra", the voice said. It was no longer whispering, and I realized it was the voice of a man.

"I gave you specific orders, Alexandra", the man tsked. I noticed a slight accent, though I couldn't place it.

"And you have decided to disobey me." His voice was no longer soft and inviting, but harsh and stone-cold. I felt shivers run across my body as he continued to reprimand me.

"I've warned you before, child. But those who disobey do not get second chances".

He opened a door to a small building that I hadn't noticed before, and the bright light from inside blinded me. I rubbed at my face with my wet hand, realizing that instead of going away, the water kept spreading around. I looked down as a wiped my hand onto my shirt and had to old back my urge to vomit.

Blood. Someone's blood was on my hands.

"I found it quite necessary to find an adequate punishment so you learn, and not make the same mistake twice", the man said. "Unfortunately, sometimes I get a little...carried away".

I glanced away from my hand and up to the scene in front of me.

Rather than getting a clear picture, I saw distorted images of bloody bodies. I never saw the faces, but the pain I felt told me that these people meant something to me.

The voice chuckled lowly behind me, "This is only the beginning, darling."

Tears were pouring down my face and I let out a scream.


I woke up in JD's arms, he was cradling me and had me pressed firmly against him.

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay", he whispered.

I frantically searched my hand for any trace of blood, but found none. It was only a dream. I let out a sob as I tried to move past the nightmare.

"You're okay. Shh, sh, we're safe. Look around, we're okay", JD continued.

We were in our hotel room. It was slightly dark because the shades were shut.I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself.

"What happened", JD asked quietly.

"I-I guess I had a ni-nightmare", I answered in a small voice.

"Well it must have been some nightmare, I was brushing my teeth when I heard you scream. When I came in, you were crying, and I tried to wake you up and softly as possible, as to not alarm you anymore than necessary."

I hugged JD tightly, thanking my lucky stars that I had him. He was everything I could ask for in a best friend, and more. After a few minutes of silence, I slid off of JD's lap and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When I came back, JD was ordering room service and he flashed me a smile when he saw me come in.

I was glad that he didn't interrogate me any further, I didn't want to talk about the dream just yet. Although, I was well aware that his silence wouldn't remain forever.

But as long as it existed, why not spend my time enjoying french toast and pancakes instead of dwelling over that awful dream.

And so, I did just that.


A/N: Hey beautiful creatures! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry if it seems like the story is moving slowly, but if I just jumped into the "good stuff" then it would lose the effect that I want to create. Please vote and comment, I'd love to hear feedback from you guys!

What do you think Alex's dream was about?


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