Chapter 1

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Edited 3/18/15

Deceiving Looks

•Chapter 1•


Its so dark. Why cant I see? Woods , these are woods. And I'm running.



Leaves and branches crunching beneath my shoes, as I try to catch my breath.

Something in the back of my head told me I can't stop running. I have to keep going. I have to find help. What is that? Static? I have an intercom in my ear! I reach for it to see if I could get in contact with anyone. Damn, it's not working.

I hear footsteps a few feet behind me. I try and speed up my paste.

"Alex slow down! Its just me, it's Abby!" Abby! Holy hell I thought it was someone else. I still don't why I'm running, but a faint memory tells me I'm running from someone.

I slow down enough for Abby to catch up to me. But we end up speeding up again because of the voices.
Those horrible voices. The ones that have been haunting me for weeks now.

Thump. "Holy sh-", I whip my head around in time to see that Abby had tripped on a branch. I run to help but am shocked when she starts screaming at me. "Go Alex! I'll be fine, its not me they're after and you know that. The others will be waiting for you. Go! Run now!"

I can't just leave her here, I wont! I try to help her up but she shoves me away.

"Alex go!"

"I will come back for you Abby. I promise"

"I know you will. Now go before they get you!"

And with that i started running like I've never run before. I didn't even know i could run this fast.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

Sirens? What kind of sirens are those?


I woke up to the sound of my alarm.


I was panting and sweating.

What the heck just happened? Must've been a side effect from staying up late watching action movies again. What can I say? I'm a sucker for anything with guns, fast cars and lead roles who can kick some serious ass- more so when it's a female playing the part.

I got out of bed and decided to take a shower. I just need to clear my head right now. That dream wasn't very pleasant. When I got out of the shower I quickly changed for school and headed out eating a cereal bar.

Today would just be another ordinary day.

At least I hope so.


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