Here you go! Just about all you need to know starting off!

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(note: this was for a tumblr post, sadly tumblr didn't seem to wanna work, so I'm gonna be putting this on here, and maybe my deviant art. I will not be deleting the thank you or things at all, thanks. I made the collage up top also. I will not be giving the source unfortunately though. )

Aaaah! Okay! I'm always happy to give some recommendations and knowledge about blur! <3 I don't know exactly how much you know about blur, but I'll tell you as much as a newbie needs to know about their music! (And thank you so much for responding to the post! <3) Alright, let's get started!

The band members!
Damon Albarn! You obviously know him, right? Well. He's the lead singer of blur, may do some acoustic guitar here and there in some of the songs, a bit of other instruments to! Yeah, ya probably know a lot about Damon, with his daughter Missy, and etc. So I won't babble on about him much.

Graham Coxon! (My favorite in the band!) He's the guitarist of blur, does some back vocals and at times does the lead vocals to some songs as well! (Like, "You're So Great" and "Coffee and TV") Graham and Damon knew each other since the 80's and are like brothers to each other. Him and Damon quite kiss a lot too, you know how dames is known kissing the boys and stuff! He did some solo stuff as well, way before Damon. Graham sadly broke up with the group around 2003 though, but came back around 2008.

Alex James! The cheese boy! The bassist of Blur! He does some vocals here and there as well! ("Far out" and verse 7 of "wassling song) He has a farm, and the man loves his food, (especially Cheese) and currently lives in a house, a very big house, in the country! He also wrote some books too, including an autobiography about him (still need a chance to read that, damn it.). He's quite random at times as well.

Dave Rowntree! Drummer of the band, does some vocals too, (verse 5 of "wassling song" and I think he does some back vocals in one of "The Magic Whip" songs, apologies, I forgot which one...) He's a very nice, loveable ginge and is actually in politics! He's the quiet one in blur, definitely.

Their Albums!
Leisure - 1991
(Their start, their most known track on here is "There's no other way", had nothing to do with Britpop really...)

Modern life is Rubbish - 1993
(The start of their "Britpop"albums)

Parklife -1994
(The album they're "most famous for" since of the song "Parklife" pretty much.)

The Great Escape - 1995
(The album with the track "Country House" the single that started the Blur versus Oasis fight, it won the top charts bumping "Roll with it" to number two, Oasis won the fight though, with "Wonderwall" and "(What's the Story?) Morning glory?" The song and album striking America... which Blur wasn't really popular in America then... Still, Blur won in my heart <3)

Blur (self-titled album) - 1997
(Ended the Britpop era for them, ending it with "Charmless Man", they head more towards rock esc things, their track "Song 2" was popular in America for a bit, I think it was mocking grunge... I forget.)

13 - 1999
(An experimental album, a bit more emotional time for them as well. My favorite album also. "Coffee and TV" is this album's most popular track I'd say. And won an MTV award. Caramel has to be my favorite off this album.)

Think Tank - 2003 (without Graham)
(Was very emotional as well. "Sweet Song", one of the tracks from this album is a sad one, probably everyone's least favorite album. Obviously because Graham wasn't in it. Still enjoyed the songs on it. Like, "Out of time" and "Good Song". There were also some fun )

The Magic Whip- 2015
(The album that came just in April. More jolly, and the album was kept hidden. They recorded in Hong Kong, only for 5 days until they had to head back. A good comeback, I say. I really enjoy "Lonesome street", "My Terracotta Heart", "Ong Ong" and "Pyongyang". My Terracotta Heart is more in the emotional state, melancholy and is about Graham after all....)

(They also had a greatest hits album in 2000)
My recommendations! :
Alright, now really I don't know where to start. I would recommend all the tracks if I would but, I'll be fair!
As a gorillaz fan... I think... (Album wise) you should listen to "Think Tank" first. But really, you should get a hint of Graham first, so maybe the first album... or their self titled album. Ugh! It's just so hard to choose.
I don't exactly know what kind of album you like the most in gorillaz, so I'll sort the more known-ish titles of blur with the three main gorillaz albums (actually most of these aren't even that known it just that they fit sort of well. Heh. I kind of hate myself from relating them with the gorillaz album's, but still. ;-; )

Debut Album:
"On your own"
"Bank Holiday"
"Girls and Boys"

"Ghost Ship"

Demon Days:
"The Universal"
"There Are Too Many of Us"
"Song 2"

"Essex Dogs" (A fire coming out of a monkeys head esc song, you really enjoy Damon's voice in this, at least I do)

Plastic Beach:
"No Distance Left to Run"
"Sweet song"
"My Terracotta Heart"
"To the End"
"Lonesome Street"
"Good Song"

"Thought I was a spaceman"

Er... yea! Well hopefully I gave you a bit of a push in the Blur music! Sorry for responding late, I was getting side tracked ^^.

Yea, this can be a guide for anyone who wants to get into blur! I don't mind if you follow it! Hopefully you all do like them!

And if you do get into them, I recommend watching some interviews and the documentary "No Distance Left To Run" to get to know more about them!
(And sorry if you get offended in some sorts, ;-;)

So ye! Hope you enjoy the songs! I say, you should listen to them a couple of more times then once, it's similar to gorillaz songs, it sound a bit off at first but afterwards you just love it! Thank you once again! <3

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