Chapter 12

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"Kim, what is the meaning of this?"
"This is not your office, you are in my world now, so watch how you speak to me. Anyway I am just helping out my fiancé."
"What fiancé?" I asked her confused.

Ted came down the stairs and lightly kissed Kim as realization dawned upon me.
"You are going to suffer for the way you treated me. I can't even get a job because of you."
"When I get out of here, you will both pay dearly for this," I told them.

Before I knew it Ted slapped me so hard my chair toppled down.
"Bring her to the tub," he said as one of the man untied me and dragged me to the tub filled with water and threw me into the water.
Ted ordered chubby to take Ethan out of the room.
"Mama!" Ethan cried out as fresh tears cascaded down his cheeks.
"Ethan! Where are you taking him. Leave my son alone or else!"
"Or else what? What are going to do?" he asked with a grin on his face, as I continued to hear my sons cries behind the door. "I hear you cannot swim, lets have some fun," Ted said as Kim left the room.

"How, do you know this?"
The next thing I knew I was being held under the water as I thrashed violently to get myself some much needed air before I passed out. I woke up to someone blowing their stinky breath into my mouth.
"Don't leave us yet boss lady, I still need to make you suffer, the same way I have suffered these past few months."
"You are a pathetic little man, to have others do your dirty work," I spat as he came and gave me a swift kick in the ribs.
"Shut up," or I will let these men kill your son the same way they did your boyfriend.

This went on, on a daily basis as they drowned and resuscitated her, up to the point she lost track of how many days she had been down there. They refused to let me see Ethan as they continuously tortured me.
"Well it seems your boyfriend survived, too bad he can't find you."
"What do you really want from me Ted. Are you not tired of this sick game," I whispered.
"Oh don't worry I will get what I want very soon," he chuckled as he left the room.
The only thing she held onto was that Ethan was alive.


If you want to see your rose ever again, bring $20 000 000 to this location. If I see any police she is dead.

Michael crumbled the paper in his fist as he slammed his fist on the table, making Greg and Benjamin look at him.
"The kidnappers want money."
"Give it to them," Greg said in a deadpan tone. "Trust me, I just spoke to Jackson he found out where they are holding her. Benjamin will take the money in your place and we will head up to the location. I don't want them to know we have a lead, and also don't tell anyone. Who know who else is working with them."

"Very well," Michael said as they headed out of his office.
"Phil get the man ready, we are going to party tonight. We have fresh meat to add to purgatory," he said as they headed to the bank to get the money.


Ted sent Kim to get the money with a couple of his men, as he stayed behind.
"You know, you and I could have made a superb couple, but you were too high and mighty for any of us to approach you. He said as he loosened her ropes.
We both heard the fire-shots as he removed the last rope, with all the strength I had left, I kicked him were the sun don't shine, and made a run for it, taking Ethan with me. Getting out through the back I ran into the woods as fast as my feet could carry me.
Looking back I saw Ted hot on our heels.

Michael's POV

As soon as Greg's man attacked the first guards all hell broke loose, it then decided to start pouring cats and dogs. Heading towards the back entrance I saw Jo and Ethan, running straight to the woods with someone going after her. Taking a few of my men, we pursued them.
"Don't kill the idiot, I need him alive," I told my men as we ran towards them.


Before I knew it I collided into a tree as Ethan flew out of my arms, looking up I saw it was none other than Ted. As he came closer to me, I shuffled back away from him trying to get up.
"Ethan run! Go find help baby!" I told him as he scrambled to his feet.

Ethan ran as fast as his little feet could carry him with tears blinding his vision.
"Daddy!" he shouted as he ran towards Michael.
"Ethan, thank heavens you are alright. Where is mama?"
"The bad man has her," he sobbed as he clung onto Michael.
"Stay with this nice man, I will go get mama, okay?"
Ethan's response was a simple head nod.

"Ted I am warning you don't do something you will regret."
"What will you do, you are completely useless here in the woods, with no one to help you," he sneered as he straddled her holding her hands down.
The next thing I saw was Mikey tackling him down and throwing a swift punch that broke his nose. Getting up tad scrabbled to his feet and made a run for it only to come to a holt when he saw Michael's men blocking his way. He tried to head the other way but saw the pathway blocked as they caged in on him as though he was prey.

Michael looked down at me as I looked at him still in shock. Blinking rapidly to clear my vision.

"Mickey is that you," she whispered breaking the silence.
"Mi Amor," was all he said as he gently picked her up and kissed her as though his life depended on it.
"Where is my son?" She asked after they pulled apart.
"He is safe do not worry."

Ted's man had surrendered after seeing that they were outnumbered.
"I am giving you an option, live and work for me, or prepare to meet your maker," Greg's voice boomed as the rain continued to pour down with him standing in front of the men.
Having no better option the men chose to work for Greg.

"Don't leave us Mikey," she begged as he placed her in the car beside Ethan.
"Ssshhh, I will be back before you know it. There is something I need to take care of first," he said kissing her forehead calming her down.

Heading towards Greg they dragged Ted into the house. Greg and Michael went down down to the basement to see the blood stained floor and bathtub. Michael was shaking in rage as he looked around the dingy room before slowly making his way back up.

"Set him loose," Michael told Greg's men who were physically restraining him.
"Listen I'm sure we can work something out," Ted stated as he wiped his nose.
Michael circled around the man looking down upon him with disgust whilst Greg chuckled at this statement.
"How dare you lay a hand on my heart," Michael whispered his anger building up.
Before Ted could respond he buckled down in pain as he received a swift punch in his gut. Pinning him down Michael lashed out on him only to have Greg and his man pull him off Ted.

"Wait were are you taking me!" Ted cried out as he was dragged out wincing in pain.
"Greg I need to get them out of here, can you finish this?"
"Sure man."

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