Chapter Two

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I waited on the corner like we arranged last night in the text she had sent me. I stood on the corner, patiently waiting. I looked at my watch; 08:15…..08:20…08:25… She wasn’t coming. I ran all the way to school hoping that maybe she was already at school. I only just made it to my seat before the bell rang. She wasn’t here either. I wondered why she hadn’t turned up. She had said meet on the corner at 08:15, yet she hadn’t turned up.

I stumbled my way through the day, not really concentrating and hardly putting in any effort. During lunch, I took my packed sandwich and drink, and then went to sit on a bench, away from everyone else. I couldn’t even manage a bite of my sandwich. I let it go soggy in my mouth, not bothering to chew. Only when I could no longer keep it in my mouth, I swallowed- almost choking.

I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Only yesterday she had told me news that under no circumstances could I tell anyone. I packed my lunch away and went for a walk. Through the school, past the gardens, through the field and eventually I ended back at the bench. I sat down on the bench and took a good look at the paint work, and among all the rude words that had been scratched and engraved into it long ago, was the engraving we made four years ago: “ me & you BFFL” I looked at it and chuckled a little.

Four years seemed like a life time ago now, we had such a fun and care free life, and all it took was conversation, and both of our lives seemed to have changed for the worst.

I went back to form. Thank goodness my next subject was art. A lesson where I could just relax and unwind.

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