Short Stories

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Just 7 Words

-Sarah SM (AKA WeNeedPeace)

© Copyright: All rights reserved.

[Short story, Teen Fiction, Humour]

I stared blindly down at the 7 words on my old Nokia brick:

“How about u come over

Just u.”

Something switched on in my brain, some small nervous voice:

It says: “Just u.”

Just me?

You see when you’ve had a mad crush on some guy, who you were pretty sure was only nice to you because you’re his friends little sister, and well, he’s just nice, you don’t expect him to send you that.

Now don’t get any pretty pictures in your head, because trust me, when I get a text like that I break out in a sweat and all I can do is think:

What if he is just being nice?

What if I say yes to coming over?

What if I go to his?

Just me.

What if

What if


It’s just terrible.

It’s not every day I get a text like that.

I mean I hate to say it, but I’ve never been kissed, and my last boyfriend was some kid from England back in the primary school days, who was holding my hand because having a girlfriend was ‘kool’ with a ‘k’

So then I waltzed my way through three years of high school to find out that I’m for once crushing on a guy I might have a chance with.

Ok so maybe I’m a bit over my head.

The text says:

“Just u.”

But it could be because he’s just nice like that.

Or because he is drunk.


Or maybe…

Maybe he has a friend who is over and has stolen his phone, and now I’m about to hit ‘send’ with the answer “ok, let me shower first” on it.

Then my crush will think I’m some freak who has kinky dreams about him and sings bad karaoke songs with his name as my dedication, while washing my hair under a misty hot spray of water.

Or maybe he thinks I smell so bad that I need a shower, right now!

This is so bad!

Ok, I need to erase the shower part.

I’ll just wait a while.

I’ll just… ask my friend.

Closing my contacts and turning the screen of my phone off, I kick out my legs and let my chair roll me over toward our household 2009 computer.

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