Wattpad Horoscope

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Wattpad Horoscope

( Determine the genre by: the last book you red, updated, or had any interaction with.)

Horror- Good luck is ahead, but, don't over use your luck or the one who has fallen for you might fall. Stay away from very angry, depressed, or any other EXTREME mood. Also if you need or want something now is the time to get it.

Romance- Your week will go okay but, in the end you realize something isn't right. Now is the time to not tell any secrets and keep everything to your self. Start being bold this week and someone new will come into your life. Stay close to the over- dramatic and away from the quiet and sensitive.

Fantasy- Your imagination will get the best of you this week. You will suddenly want to draw and you will come up with great ideas. Explore new horizons and be very creative. Keep away from trouble makers, and stay close to artistic people.

Paranormal- Deep trouble is coming your way so stay around your true friends. They will guide you to the right path. Stay away from Arch enemies, and any hostile mood or behavior. Go near your crush and true friends.

Historical fiction- Start reading more! Get into out-of-the-ordinary things and get crazy. Act silly funny and be awesome. stay away from boring quiet and mean people. Go near out there people.

Fan Fiction- Stop, slow down and take it easy. Stop being so stressed and block it out. Stay away from Loud crazy people and hang out with the quiet gentle people. Maybe take a day off for yourself.

Chick Lit -Shopping alert! Go shopping and buy as many clothes as possible. Also buy shoes and lots of them. Stay near fun outgoing people and stay away from anyone quiet or popular.

 Vampire- It's time to party! Throw a huge party. Your party will be huge and contain more than 50 people! Stay close to popular fun and outrageous people. Stay away from Quiet people.

Spiritual- Stop right here! You have one thing that you want to change about yourself. Now is the time to change because you will succeed. Stay near motivated and energetic people. Stay away from downers and depressed people.

Classics- You need to calm down a bit. Don't be so hectic and rushed. Stay calm and stay away from high energy people. Stay near calm and quiet people.

Science Fiction- Stay focused. Don't get off task right now is an important task that you must complete. Stay away from Rule breakers and stay near calm and focused people.

Humor- Learn your boundaries! Start knowing when to stop doing something. It's very important right now! Stay away from rule breakers and stay with nice calm gentle people.

Mystery \ Thriller- Lighten up! You are too uptight right now and you need to stop being so worried. Go with the flow and hang out with fun outrageous people. Stay away from calm and quiet people.

Adventure- Relieve some of that stress! You need it! Stress levels that high aren't that good for people. Stay near calm quiet people and your friends. Stay away from enemies and anyone stressful.

Teen Fiction- Too much drama! Drama isn't what you need right now and if you interfere with the drama, like switch it around, rumors about you will go around! Stay away from gossipy people and near calm quiet people.

Poetry-  Great luck is coming as long as you remember not to get in trouble or be mean. Stay near whom ever as long as you don't find yourself in trouble.

Non- Teen Fiction- Be yourself around others. Don't change! Stay near  true friends and stay away from followers.

Action- Don't be hater! Start being nicer and don't be mean. Stay away from mean people and hang out with the nice people.

Werewolf- Learn to love! Show more love towards  friends and family! Stay away from mean harsh people and near loving nice people.

Non-Fiction- Stop procrastinating! One of the biggest projects of your life is coming up! Don't procrastinate. Hang out with focused determined people, stay away from rule breakers and unfocused people.

Other- Start eating healthier. Start now and you will be amazed at the results! Stay away from boring mean people and stay near active fun people.

Short Stories- Start updating your technology! If you don't you will be sorry! hang out with the tech geeks and away from the popular people.

By - @me1241 What's your horoscope? Comment below!

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