The Meeting

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Saturday 20th April 2013, 3pm

It was then that I saw her. Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam & I were on our way to the photo shoot for our new song ‘One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks)', and I saw her. She was so pretty that even just thinking about her would practically blind you. Her long, blue (yes BLUE!) hair flowed around her perfectly shaped shoulders like a peaceful river in the summer sunlight and her piercing blue eyes sparkled like sapphires. In fact, everything about her was absolutely stunning! I felt like I would die without her - even though I still didn't know her yet. But then Louis, being Louis, had to go and ruin it for me, didn't he? I guess he noticed me staring at her as if I was Harry when he'd just seen a huge cat basket full of kittens on the side of the street, with a sign saying ‘FREE KITTENS! PLEASE TAKE!’ right above it. Well, I would have been scared if he hadn't seen me, seeing as my mouth was almost as big as Mount Everest and my eyes were literally bulging! Actually, just by looking at me you'd think I'd seen a ghost or something. Anyway, being him, Lou came over and said, "Hey, mate," in his normal voice, but he thought I couldn't hear him - though I could - and, even louder, he said, "Hey, mate. Are you staring at that girl over there?"with emphasized points towards Goddess Girl (she looked pretty much like a goddess - hence the nickname). NOT to my luck, the other 3 came over and joined Louis in his somewhat ceremony of pointing. So at that moment there was me with my head down - because I was blushing - and scuffing my shoes while my 4 bandmates made elaborate hand gestures towards my Goddess Girl/ And to make matters worse, she started looking over, obviously wondering what the $@#¬ they were doing and why they were doing it.

Then, out of the blue, she just began to walk over, straight past them, towards me. Those guys had all stopped their gestures by this time and were staring at me, open mouthed, like I was some magical leprechaun or something like that. I was hyperventilating madly!

We were just stood there; in silence for, like, 2 minutes. And then she went ahead and said, "So, hey there," in a B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L voice. "I'm Marnie. Marnie Marcovic. And you are? It took me at least 5 minutes to reply after stuttering, "I -I -I -I -I -I -I..." for 4 mins 50 seconds flat, and then the last 10 seconds to calm down. in the end, all I managed was a pathetic, "N-N-Niall H-Horan..." Man, do I need lessons on how to talk to girls. Ehh, but at least I have an excuse for my lacking ability of 'Talk To The Girls'. The excuse is: I went to an all boys school, so I don't know how to treat/talk to anyone who is NOT a member of my family or a boy.

"Niall Horan, hey? Well, it's nice to meet you, Niall. I know! How about I give you my number & address so we can, y'know, keep in touch? Would that be OK?" I nodded, so she gave me her address & her mopbile number. How coincidental that she lives in Bradford, which is where Zayn coms=es from! Anyhow, we just started talking about random thingsa like our families, best friends,  favourite foods, drinks, animals, colours, etc. Well then, that was pretty much one of the BEST days of my life! So far...

Sunday 21st April 2013, 12pm

You will never believe what happened today! I just bumped into Goddess Girl at the supermarket. We started talking, and then, out of nowhere, she asked me if I'd like to go with her to this dance thing that is on tommorow night.  It is basically a ball, but for normal people like me (sorta) and Godde- no, Marnie. So, I kinda said yes to her, and that I'd come over to pick her up...8pm, 8pm...need to remember that. She's already picked out her dress but I still need to get a TUX by tommorow night. Ugghh...I HATE that word. Tux...T.U.X. Tuxxx......I. HATE. IT! ARRGGHHHH!!!!!

I need to (by tommorow morning at the latest):

1: Stop calling her Goddess Girl and call her by her real name, Marnie

2: Buy a tux for tommorow night

3: Learn how to slow dance


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