Chapter Thirty Two

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I woke up in my sleeping bag. I couldnt remember walking to it. I expected to be in John Johns sleeping bag, but him being the gentleman, he must have put me in mine. 

I felt my lips were sore so i grabbed my chapped stick and rubbed some on. I checked my phone and saw the time, 6:30. "Of course Sage!" I always get up early no matter where i am.

I got up and changed into my running clothes and got out of the tent. I found Tyler in his basketball shorts and running shoes. 

"Hey twin! Run?" Tyler said quietly. 

We headed off to confusion hill, ironic in a way actually. We ran a mile to the closest grocery store. We bought the candy we can NEVER find anywhere else and ran all the way back to camp. When we got back everyone was up. The dads were cooking breakfast and Luke was helping. 

I went in the tent and found the girls talking. "Want to go to the showers?" We all headed over there in our slippers. 

"What are we doing today?" Molly yelled over the shower. We were all in our separate stalls. 

"Confusion hill has a train ride. I mean it is kind of little kidish but hey! Its fun!"  

"Sounds good to me." Molly said.

"Wait Claire how do you do on hikes?" 

"Im good but i just need like rests every now and then." 

"Theres a hiking spot that we drive to whenever we come up here. You can see the ocean perfectly." 

We all finished up and noticed we had stacked up a line for the showers... Oops!

The boys were walking towards the mens showers and i caught John John's eyes. "Hey cutie." He whispered in my ear. 

I couldnt help but smile. The boys went to the shower with Ivan kissing Claire hello and goodbye. Also Drew kissing Molly full on. Nathan saw John John and my confrontation. He was pretty pissed off it looked like. John John only whispered so nathan couldnt possible know what he had said.

Us girls walked back to the tents and cleaned up a little bit. By the time we were done breakfast was ready and the boys were there. Everyone got in line for food. The boys would eat so much that the dads made four times the normal portion.  

"Whats on the agenda for today?" Dad asked getting a response from me, "We need to hike to the water view." 

"Baby girl i thought-" Luke cut himself off.

"No its okay. I still like watching the waves. Thats it though." Plus that was Moms favorite spot in the world besides being in the water. Mom and Dad would strap Tyler and me to their backs and hike up when we were younger. They were the perfect couple. 


We were halfway up the hill and Molly was in Drew's tired arms because of the stitches. "Here Im tired of hearing you huffing. Give her to me!" Luke pulled Molly's limp body.

Claire and i were walking in a perfect pace together. Ivan and John John were behind us. They would always jump to either of us if we looked like we slipped. I can see why Claire, but not me. 

Tyler and Nathan lead the pack with the Dads. They were trucking up the mountain like it was nothing. I was surprised Nathan wasnt behind me, since i was in my spandex shorts. He usually always takes advantage of that. But hes probably mad about the whole situation. Hes not a patient Florence Brother. 

"So have you picked out names yet?" I asked Claire. 

"Well we dont know the sex of the baby, but i had ideas." 

"If a boy?" 

"Ashton. Its a laid back name." She answered proud.

"Thats so cute! I love it! What about a mini you?" 

"Alana." She had a twinkle in her eye. 

"We're here!" Tyler shouted and dropped to the ground. 

"Finally!" Molly huffed.

"What? You werent even walking!" Claire yelled.

I walked to the edge and looked out. You could just see the waves crashing. I took a deep breathe and felt a gush of wind blow across my face. 

"Lunch time!" Kelly yelled grabbing sandwiches out of his backpack. The boys ran to them but i just sat down looking out. 

I heard a voice say, "Here you go." I turned around and saw John John balancing two waters and two sandwiches in his hands. 

"Thank you. I could have gotten it after everyone." 

"Trust me there wouldnt be any after that. Tyler and Nathan are smuggling extras."

We ate our sandwiches in peace, until i found something to talk about. "Whens your next competition?"  

"In two weeks. When we get back home im going to have to work out harder." He said strictly more to himself than me.

"Can i go with you to training?" 

"Well half of my training is out of water so sure. I go to the skatepark right before i get in the water." 

"You can teach me!" I said before i stuffed my face with the last piece of my sandwich. "I mean if you dont mind." 

"Yeah i'll teach you but im warning you now, i get in like a mood when i train. So it might be a while till i actually teach you." He said truthfully.

"No its okay i want you to get first place so you can teach me whenever you want." 


(Mollys POV)

We were heading down the mountain after we ate lunch. I was back in Drew's arms this time. Is it sad that i think i may still have feelings for Luke? Well if you think yes, than im a sad girl! 

"Baby? You look a little distant. Are you okay?" Drew kissed my forehead.

"Yeah. My foot just hurts." I lied.

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