Chapter nine; Alone.

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"KYUNGSOO!" Kyungsoo looked around and saw a frantic Baekhyun and Luhan running his way. He tensed up a bit, scared that they would pumble him to the ground. They slowed down every step closer until they were standing in front of him.

"Kyungsoo, are you okay?! We went to your house yesterday to bring you a treat, but the door was left open and the house was a mess, what happened?" Kyungsoo closed his eyes and sighed, memories of his mother's screams over the phone the night before. It took an incredible amount of while power to keep himself from crying, but he managed. He didn't want them knowing about anything yet, not that his parents were abducted, not that he's living with his crush, or whatever he is, because it would be to complicated.

"There was a rat in the house." He stated plainly.

"A RAT?!" Luhan screeched.


"So where did you and your parents go?" Baekhyun asked.

"To my.. uh, aunts. We'll be staying there for a while, there's an infestation of them in the basement, also mold, so we'll have to stay with her for a while."

"Damn, that all happened yesterday? Sorry Kyungie, didn't know you had such bad luck." Kyungsoo wasn't sure if that was sarcasm, or if he was serious, but boy they didn't know the half of it. The bell rung, saving him from that awkward situation, and waved and walked off. First period was math, and of course that class was shared with Jongin. He went to his locker, and gathered his stuff as slowly as possible, and then walked his way to class. He sighed when he saw that no matter how slow he was, he was still one of the first students to arrive. He sat in his normal seat, which was located at the very back of the class in the corner. He used to like it there because he was a great angle of Jongin, but lately, he hasn't even wanted to be in the same room as him. He took out his things from his bag, and was startled to see a tall boy taking the empty seat right next to him. He was a very handsome boy, but ironically, he's never seen him before. He took out his things and sighed.

"Excuse me." He said quietly. "May I borrow a pen, I must've forgot mine in my locker." He smiled sheepishly.

"Su-Sure." He stuttered. He grabbed a pen that he hasn't chewed on and handed it to the boy who sat next to him.

"Thank you. My name is Yifan, but please, call me Kris. I'm a Chinese exchange student, it's nice to meet you." Kyungsoo blushed, he really was charming, and he had a slight accent which was undoubtedly hot. Kyungsoo bowed his head and smiled.

"My name is Kyungsoo, you speak Korean very well."

"So do you." He winked. He held out his hand, and Kyungsoo reached out and shook it. He felt like someone was staring a hole threw his head, and looked up to see Jongin standing there with a not so pleased look on his face. He walked straight back to where Kyungsoo was, and took the seat in front of him. Kyungsoo was baffled because that's not where he sat. He looked back at the boy who was now blushing and saw he was still holding his hand.


"It's fine." Kris laughed. "You're cute."

"Uh.. Thanks?" He said, not expecting the sudden compliment. He would've gave one back, but he didn't have much confidence. The teacher still hadn't showed up yet, so Kris decided to converse, which Kyungsoo complied to. Anyone who knew Kyungsoo and what he was going through right now would think he has no heart, not even thinking about the condition of his parents, but they would be completely wrong to assume such a thing. Because once class started, everything went on one ear and out the other. Not one number or equation was written in the hour and a half given, and Kris seemed to have noticed. Class was dismissed, and Jongin stormed out of the room. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, not even wanting to know what his problem was. He heard a clear of the throat and looked up to see Kris standing in front of him, holding a piece of paper.

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