Chapter Seven:

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I suddenly felt the urge to talk to someone. Percy was probably busy with Claire. Thinking of them kind of hurt. I sighed and texted Piper. She always has good advice. I nodded to myself and texted her.

Annabeth: Aye pipes.

As I waited for her to respond I buried myself in thoughts and memories of what I had back in Manhattan.

Percy's POV:
I couldn't help but remember the face of my best friend when I told her I had a girlfriend. I think Annabeth thought I had replaced her now that she was gone. The thought made frowned. I'd never replace her. "Percy you okay?" Claire asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I pictured Annabeth. "I'd never replace you." I mumbled.
"Percy that's really sweet of you." Claire said. She must've heard me. I bit my lip, "y-yeah." But I really meant Annabeth.

Annabeth's POV:
After what felt like forever, Piper finally texted back.

Piper: hey!
Annabeth: pipes I need help.
Piper: on?
Annabeth: skype me please.

-beep beep beep beep-
I clicked the answer button faster than a cheetah. "Piperrr!" I whined.
"What what?" She frowned. "Things here are terrible!" I said. "And...did you hear about Percy?" Piper nodded.
"Yeah. And his new girl Claire." I sighed.
"He introduced me..."
"You don't seem very happy for him."
"I am." I snapped.
"Woah. Sorry." Piper frowned.
"No...I am. Listen pipes you gotta promise me you won't tell him." Piper nodded.
"I-I...I like Percy okay? Like is it bad to have feelings for one of your best friends? What if he somehow fins out. Will he hate me? Will he-"
"This is not the Annabeth Chase I know." Piper said. I clamped my mouth shut.
"You're right. I never talk about this stuff." I nodded slowly.
Piper sighed."I doubt he will Annabeth. Percy's loyal and you know that."
"Yeah. And I'm not even there anyways..." Piper frowned.
"Annabeth, maybe things will change. You never know." She said.

Piper's right. That girl speaks the truth. She always knowd what's best. "Thanks pipes." I smiled.
"Anything for a friend. I got to go though. Talk to you soon. Bye!"
"Bye!" I smiled and the screen went blank.

My father came home from work. "Annabeth!" I went downstairs. "Dad." I acknowledged. He smiled. "Hey Annie. How's school been?" He asked. I crossed my arms. "It's Annabeth please. And school has been terrible if you're wondering and must know."
My father frowned. "How so?"
"Water balloon, tomatoes, spaghetti, paper balls..." I began.
"Okay...okay. I understand things are hard but it will shape up soon." I frowned.
"Dad seriously. Halfway through the school year and nothing, nothing, has gotten better. And it won't get better like you say until we go back home." I hissed.
"Calm down Annabeth. This is home. It's our home now. Bobby and Matthew have warmed up. They have friends and they're fine."
"What do they have to do with me?" My eyes stung with tears. I gasped for air. "They're happy. I'm not. This is not home!" I snapped. "Home is in Manhattan!"
My stepmother came into the hallway. I clawed at the rail of the staircase. "Annabeth-"
"Save it." I said through gritted teeth. I wiped my eyes and ran upstairs into my room. I slammed the door shut, this was horrible.

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