Chapter Nine:

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Hesitantly I sat down. I sat at the edge of the chair getting ready to escape if something came up. My father's little smile faded. "So we have some good news and some bad news." He said. "Bad news first please" I murmured.
"Okay. This is directed to you Annabeth." He said sharply. I nodded. "We got a call from school today saying you got in a fight. Beat up some girls." His eyes bore into me. I bit my lip.
"You know what they deserved-" My father held up his hand and cut me off. I frowned. "It..." I finished.
"We," he acknowledged himself and my step-mother. "Have decided to ground you for a week." I sighed.
"Kay. Now the good news please? I need to study." I said politely but slight tone of rudeness mixed in it. My father nodded.

I stared out the window for a little. Ignoring the good news by drowning it out with what happened today. I snapped out of it when I heard something. "We're going back to Manhattan." I let out a noise of excitement but it sounded more like a dying walrus. "Seriously!?" I choked out. My father nodded. "A new and better job offer. Better pay, hours everything." I was choking on my own happiness.
"Breathe Annabeth sweetie" My mother said. I gasped.
"When when when?!" I gasped out.
"Once school ends. So in...two months." My father nodded. I squealed in excitement.
"Annie, why don't you get tell your friends." My stepmother said.
"No." I said quickly.
"No?" My dad said.
"No." I repeated. "I wanna surprise them!" I smiled and ran up into my room.

Maybe I should at least tell percy. Should I? Yes? No. I wanna surprise all of them. I started laughing and then squealing. "I'm going hommeeeee!" I threw myself onto my bed and smiled.

Aye! Shorter chapter but a happy one! Yay Annabeth is goin home. Now, if y'all are wondering. 'Percy is dating, isn't this a Percabeth fanfiction?' Yes it and I have plans. Don't worry. I always have plans

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