Chapter Fourteen:

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"I can't believe I'm doing this." I mumbled as Hazel and Piper lead me into the dress store. "Oh c'mon!" Piper laughed. "It'll be fun."
Hazel nodded. "Yeah! I mean we get to hang out with our friend again." I shrugged.
"Okay I guess but..."
"What Annabeth?" Piper crossed her arms.
"This isn't my things so..I" I said. Piper grabbed my hand and dragged me to the back of the store, Hazel following. "Poofy? Or more elegant. Smooth. Sparkles and glitter?"
"Woah slow down." I held up my hands. Hazel started to laugh. I was sort of confused.
"She wants to know what type of dress you want." Hazel said in between giggles. I stared at Piper who was flipping through a magazine of dresses.
"Oh. Okay..." I thought for a minute. "Uh..simple...and elegant?" Piper looked at me. "Suits you well." She smiled.

I cringed at all the glitter and sparkle. The poofyness. Ew. Piper was browsing through dress racks. I didn't know if she was looking for her dress or helping me. I decided to go look for myself.

I piled up simple dresses onto my arm. I had like...four. This was not going well for me. The dresses we simple but none of them seemed to be me. Piper came running up to me. "Find any?" She asked smiling. I put down the dresses.
"No." I frowned.
"What about those."
"They don't look right." Piper sat down and looked through them. She nodded slowly.
"But I took it upon myself to pick out a couple. I hope you like navy blue." Piper handed me two dresses. I looked down at them unsure. "Um...go get Hazel. I'll try them on."

By the time Piper found Hazel and sat down with her, I had be waiting for a while. The dress had black lace at the top and faded down to a long navy blue dress. It was a little bit princess like to me. I didn't care for it. Piper was shaking her head. "Good." I cracked a smile. Knowing that none of us liked it. I went back into the dressing room.

"Annabeth? You okay?" I snapped out of it when I heard Hazel. "Yeah." I replied. I stared at the dress for a while. It was a sweetheart neckline with off the shoulder straps, it wasn't fluffy. It was long and elegant. I walked out and smiled. "I like it." I said sure of myself. Piper and Hazel were nodding like mad men.
"There's a red one. What about that one?" Piper said. "Honestly I think you'd look stunning in it." I shook my head.
"I like the blue." I said. "You guys all set?" They both nodded.

Piper paid with her dad's credit card. I promised I would pay back. Piper kept shaking her head. "So, back to your place?"
"Shoes." Piper said. I sighed.

We wandered into the shoe store and split up. I knew they wouldn't allow me to wear my navy converse so I went to the silver heels section. "Black maybe?" I asked myself. "No. Silver." I grabbed a pair or two and tried them on. I'm going to break my ankle, I thought as I stood up.

After many decisions, I settled on a pair of silver, open toed heels with a strap at the ankle.

Piper bought again. We loaded into the car and drove back to Piper's place.

The guys we're laughing like hyenas. "We should've gotten a babysitter." I snorted. Piper and Hazel giggled. Jason looked at Piper. "Piippeesssss!"
"Whaaattttt." Piper responded.
"Can I see your dress. Pleaaseee?"
"Nooooo. I can't do that it's not how prom works."
"We can break the rules!" Frank smiled.
"No!" Hazel and Piper said in union. I placed my things down. I was ready for this argument. "Popcorn?" I smirked. I noticed Percy smiling at me. Jeez.

Hi, sorry. It's been a little. I'm planning on writing another chapter hopefully. :)

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