Getting ready for the concert

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Ruthvika's POV

Ahhh, I yawned. Right now I'm sitting in electron devices class, trying to control my sleep. I swear, whoever found this subject should rot in hell. I tried too hard to concentrate but ended up failing badly. I started to droop. Just then, someone calling my name, made me jerk and sit erect.

It's none other than Mrs.Tanisha, my E.D professor.

"What do you think you are doing, Ruthvika?? Do you want your attendance to be marked absent for this hour?! Go wash your face!", she yelled.

I quickly got up and rushed towards the washroom. I washed my face and quickly turned to leave when I say three forth of my class coming towards washroom.

Yeah! This is the case. If you thought I suck at studies, I recommend you to think again. I'm a 9 pointer, excellent in studies. But you can't blame me for sleeping in E.D class as it's too boring. After all, I'm still an average 19 year old, right!

Then, I returned to class and rest of the hour went by. Finally it was the last hour. I can't help but to peep a glance at my watch every now and then. Reason?! It Anirudh Ravichander's 96th concert todayyyy.... And I'm going as usual :)

You may think why I'm too excited. It's 'cause I'm his biggest fan! I'm actually crazy on him and his music! Okay, his looks too... Woah! What a voice... I'll melt by seeing him smile... You get it right! He is just awww....❤❤

My thoughts about my darling was interrupted by the class dismissal sound.. Finally!

I packed all my stuff and was about to leave. That's when the voice of my so-called friend/college mate called out for me.

"Hey girl! I can see that you are excited... Guess you are going to the concert again!", Hera said.

"Yes Hera! So if you can move I'll go there soon", I said so that I can get away soon before she spoils my mood.

But being Hera, she cannot live without degrading me. So she countered "you know it's utter waste of time... Anyways you will not take a pic with him... Just look at you! You look so plain and boring... Who will like to take a pic with you?! So girl, don't waste your time And money!", saying this she moved away.

Let me get things clear first. I'm Ruthvika Vinesh, an average 19 year old with black hair and normal brown eyes, who studies ECE second year. I'm not exactly a nerd but not a cool person either. I'm a very average looking girl who was rejected by her crush of four years. So you can know where my self confidence level lies. I assure you that it's below the lowest point. I had lots and lots of friends in school. But left alone in college. I don't really blame anyone here. I'm just not compatible with their constant self boasting and criticizing others attitude. So I prefer to stay alone. But, yet Hera is the one I sit with on bench and she is my so-called friend. Anything she does to me is, criticize me, degrade me and lower my confidence even if it's possible. I don't know what I did to her, but she always treats me like this. Anyways, again to the point. I'm a biggest fan of Anirudh Ravichander, 24 year old, famous music director and singer. He is just awesome... I love everything he does. I follow him in Instagram, Twitter, Facebook fan page, Google plus fan page and every other source of connecting with him. In short, I'm a perfect Fangirl of him.

My dream is to take a picture with him. It's this dream that makes me go to everyone of his concerts. Yet, luck is not exactly my best companion. I always return empty handed. But, I never stopped trying. Today is his 96th concert and I'm going obviously. I wish I could click a pic with him at least today.

But, what Hera said came to my mind. After all, I'm just plain and boring. Even my first and only crush of four years rejected me because of my appearance. 'Do you think I'll ever like a girl like you?!', were his exact words. That day broke all my confidence. Even though I don't have any feeling for him now, I still can't get over the fact that whatever he said is true.

See, I told you that Hera will always spoil my mood... And here she succeeded doing it. Anyways, I continued going home with less enthusiasm.

Once I reached home, I was greeted by Shweta, my neighbor and my best best best friend for 16 years. Her smile faltered as soon as she saw my face. That girl can read me like an open book.

"What happened Vika?! If it's anything related to that bitch Hera, I swear I'm going to cut her into pieces and feed her to the dogs..... Nah! I pity the dogs... I don't want the poor creatures to eat shit like her", Shweta said , making me chuckle. This girl know how to make me laugh for sure.

"Yeah! But you can't blame her... What she said is true anyways... I think I will never be able to take a pic with him... Should we still go?!", I asked.

"What are you talking?? It's your dream... What if you cannot take a pic with Ani, you still can see him in real! Come on girl.... Cheer up... Get dressed and we will go soon and occupy the closer place to the stage... Closer to the stage = better look at Ani = greater his chance to notice you so you can take pic... Now go get ready!", saying this, she shooed me.

Her pep talk surely cheered me up and once again I'm in my Vika spirit! I sprang towards my room, took out my 'keep calm and love Anirudh' printed white T-shirt and faded blue jeans. I showered and got dressed. I matched my dress with my white chucks and silver strapped watch. As I didn't have enough time, I just brushed my hair and let it flow free over my shoulders in its natural waves. I looked at my average self on the mirror and sighed before heading out. In the living room of my house, Shweta is already waiting for me in her black T-shirt and faded pink jeans. She looked chic in everything she wears. As like me, she is not an ardent Anirudh fan. Yet she always comes with me to his concerts. Of course, I bribe her with KFC fiery wings.

Anyways, now we both are ready and ready to take off to the paradise of music in my Audi! Yeah, my parents are doctors... So you can guess why I own a Audi, obviously other reason is Audi being the safest car. They are really over protective of me...

Anyways, Anirudh, here I come!


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