Chris Motionless X Ash Costello

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How He Found Out...

Ash's POV

I groaned, rolling over in my bunk to yell at my band mates. They were being so goddamn loud. All I wanted was a nap.

"Nikki either you shut the fuck up or I will smother you with your Jack Skellington pillow." I threatened, giving up on getting any sleep while the guys were awake.

Nick snickered. "I think it's someone's time of the month." He sang. I flipped him off, storming out of the bus in nothing but my boy shorts and an oversized shirt.

If only they knew. I sighed, staring longingly at the bus parked next to ours. I wonder if he's awake... I thought to myself, stealthily sneaking inside the nightliner.

The smell of coffee hit me instantly, and I moaned out loud. "Well, good morning to you too." Chris chuckled, leaning back against the counter with his coffee mug, shirtless.

I stole a drink, letting him wrap his lanky arms around me to cuddle awkwardly. I really shouldn't be drinking coffee. I handed him back the cup, mentally scolding myself. It isn't healthy for either of you.

Chris frowned, setting his mug down so that he could place both hands on my hips. "Ash, what's up?" He asked, sounding genuinely concerned. "You usually never leave me any coffee to drink, but lately you haven't even come over for our morning routine. Do you not like me anymore?" There were tears in the corners of his honey brown eyes, and I kissed them away.

"Christopher, you know I love you..." I trailed off, leaning forward so that my stomach pressed up against his abs. He seemed confused. "Ash, I don't wanna sound rude-" Chris ran his hands over my belly area. "But I think you're gaining weight." I giggled. "I know." I stood up on my tiptoes to kiss him, and he squeezed my ass.

I saw the gears turning in his head as he processed everything. "Ash, wasn't your lady time last week?" I nodded, which made him even more confused. "But, we had sex-" I cut him off with a kiss.

Not knowing what was going on was killing him, and as much as I loved his torture, I think it was about time to let him know the reality of our little situation.

"Honey, I'm almost three months pregnant, and you're the Daddy."

I don't know how I expected him to react, but the response I got from my boyfriend surprised me.

"I'm going to be a Dad! Holy fucking shit! GUYS!" He yelled, running back to the bunks to wake up his band. "Ash is pregnant! I'm gonna be a Daddy!"

He scooped me up in his arms and laid me down on the couch, lifting up my shirt so he could see my baby bump. "Hey, baby." I giggled at his foolishness, and he kissed all over my bump. "I love you so much, I'm glad you decided to tell me." He gave me a long kiss, and the rest of Motionless laughed.

"When are you due?" Ghost asked, sitting down in the booth with his own mug of coffee. "September 15th." Ricky and Balz shared a wicked grin. "Twenty bucks says it's a girl!" Chris and I rolled our eyes, and he kissed me again.

"I love you, Ash."

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