Chris Motionless x Marilyn Manson

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Christopher's POV

I held onto both of my daughter's small hands as she attempted to walk for the first time. By the second step, the poor doll got so excited she plopped down on her diaper clad butt, still hanging onto my fingers for dear life. I laughed lightly at her sassy pout, scooping her up to sit on my hip when I heard a knock on our front door.

If I had realized it was someone other than Ricky or Josh, I might have taken the time to put a shirt on or, at the very least, drawn on some eyebrows. As it was, I opened the front door to find a heavily made up Brian Warner, a small stuffed doll in his arms.

"Brian-" I was cut off by his dark red lips, but I couldn't complain. The love of my life, and father to my precious daughter, had returned home to me unexpectedly. I would be a fool to ignore him.

Our baby girl squealed in my arms, and her Daddy broke away from the kiss to give her smooches. "How are my precious gems?" I let Marilyn take our daughter, Madisyn, into his arms, and quickly shut and locked the door to halt any interruptions that might occur.

"Better, now that you're here." I teased, throwing my arms around his shoulders to reassure myself that he was really back. Brian chuckled. "I love you too, Christopher." I wrinkled up my nose in disgust. "You know I hate being called that." He turned away from our daughter and planted a much needed kiss on my lips. "You look gorgeous, my love, even without makeup." He complimented my current appearance, earning an eye roll from me.

Brian opened his mouth to say something else, but Madisyn started fussing in his arms. I checked the clock, mentally cursing myself. "Come here, baby girl." Brian reluctantly gave her up to me, and her little mouth expertly found my nipple. Her Daddy shook his head, carefully pulling me down onto his lap to hold us both. "Should've known. She eats more than her uncle Twiggy." We both laughed, staring down at our baby girl as she nursed from me.

I still felt weird about the entire process of nursing her, but Marilyn said it made me look sexy, so I guess it can't be too bad. Thankfully the amount of cleavage needed to lactate is nothing more than pecks. I don't think I could handle boobs.

"How was tour?" I asked, getting slightly nervous when he paused before responding. "Bat shit crazy, as per usual. Pogo yelled at me for not sending him more baby pictures." I laughed, relieved he didn't mention anything about the millions of fuck toys throwing themselves at him. Subconsciously, I knew he could be lying to me about being faithful, but what is love without a gamble?

I shook my head to clear the thoughts. "So you're saying I need to send more pictures of little miss Manson?" He hummed in response, nuzzling his face up against my neck to kiss my sweet spot. "You wouldn't have to if you'd let me take the two of you on tour." I sighed, tilting my head back to lay it against his chest. "Remember what I said?" Brian groaned. "If I can book a tour when you aren't breast feeding, pregnant, or already away with Motionless, you'll come." I smirked, feeling like the powerful one in the relationship once more.

Marilyn was pouting, so I kissed his plump lips. "Just a couple more months, and we'll be clear for one and two." He snickered. "You presume I won't knock you up again within that time frame, dearest." I glared at him playfully, but I think we both know that I'll have as many baby Mansons as he'll put in me.

After Madisyn finished nursing, I burped her and checked her diaper. "All, good, for the moment, Lil Manson." Her Daddy smiled and took her into his arms for cuddles while I went into the kitchen for something to drink. "You're already so big." Brian kissed her on the forehead, leaving a small lipstick stain that he quickly wiped away. "Pretty soon you'll be wearing too much eyeliner and sneaking out to kiss boys on the backs of motorcycles."

I whipped around and shook my finger at him. "No! I don't want to hear about our baby girl kissing people." Brian laughed. "With a Mommy as gorgeous as yourself, we'll have to ask a voodoo priest for some anti-sex spray." I blushed and rejoined him on the couch with a bottle of juice. "Good luck with that."

We remained in silence for most of the rest of the evening, only communicating when one of us needed to ask for something for Madisyn, otherwise, we were perfectly content to lay over the couch in each other's arms.

I turned so that our chests pressed together, grinding my member down onto his slight bulge with lips parted in a silent moan. Marilyn growled, flipping me over so that his body hovered over mine, clamping my hands above my head to render me helpless.

"Do you really want to do this here?" He asked huskily, his teeth nibbling on my stretched lobe while he waited for my response. All I could muster was a nod, but Brian knew exactly how to take control of a situation.

Needless to say, I don't think Madisyn and I will be going on tour anytime soon.

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