MIW Infantilism (p3)

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This is dedicated to the lovely and talented @SweatersandFabulous I hope it entertains you, darling!

I was not happy to be in a diaper. I'm not a baby! Ricky and Josh are the babies! I wanted to be back in my princess panties, but Daddy Ryan was being a butthead.

"You need to stop acting like a brat before I call Daddy Chris." I huffed, crossing my arms and pouting on my bed. Daddy Chris had to go in this morning to meet with the booking agent and our merchandise manager for the next tour. Usually I would go with him, but he said that babies are too fussy to go to meetings.

I gave Daddy Ryan a death glare. "I want my paci." I reached my hand out, flashing my fingers in a needy motion towards the pink object in his hand. "Gimme!" Daddy Ryan shook his head and placed my paci in his breast pocket. "Devin, you need to come downstairs and eat or you'll get a tummy ache." I turned away from him to face the wall and curled into a ball.

I didn't want to be carried downstairs and sat in a highchair when I was perfectly capable of holding Daddy's hand and sitting in my princess seat. Nor do I want to be spoonfed yogurt that I could easily feed myself. It wasn't fair!

Someone crawled up into my bed and wrapped their arms around me. From the tattoos I could tell it was Ricky. "I lubs you, Bubba." I sighed.

It was literally impossible to be mad at little Ricky. He was too adorable with his messy bed hair and black footie pajamas. I hugged him, and his tiny body tackled mine to the mattress. "Read me story, Bubba!" He begged, his little head resting on my chest with his blue eyes staring directly into mine.

I rolled my eyes and kissed his forehead. "Once upon a time, in a kingdom not so far from here-" Daddy Ryan interrupted me. "Ricky, we can tell stories later, it's breakfast time." Ricky whimpered. "B-but Dada, Bubba was just getting started!" Daddy Ryan shook his head, bending over and scooping Ricky into his arms. "I know, baby, but you barely ate any dinner last night and fell asleep before you could drink your bottle. It's not good for you." I frowned when I heard that information.

Ricky had a history of eating disorders, ranging in severity and length, but Daddy Chris thought we had put them in the past after his last round of therapy two years ago. Daddy Chris even made his bottles with special powder to help him maintain his weight, but, as with every mental illness, there are always periods of relapse.

"Devin, if you come downstairs and eat I'll let you feed your Bubba." Daddy Ryan persuaded me to stand up and follow them down to the kitchen, where Josh was happily munching on dry cereal in his baby seat. "Bubba!" He giggled, kicking his legs happily when he saw me.

I ran over to him and kissed his cheek. "Hi, baby." He shoved a piece of cereal in my mouth and I squealed. "Josh!" I lightly slapped his hand and he burst into tears. Daddy Ryan grabbed me by my wrist and spun me around. "What the fuck did you do?!" I cowered away from his voice, but his grip on my arm only got tighter. I flinched and tried to pull away, but he wasn't letting go.

Nothing has pulled me out of little space faster.

"Ryan, let go of me!" I yelled, my heart racing when I was released and thrown to the ground. I stared up at the menacing guitarist, tears streaming from my eyes as my body curled in on itself.

He scoffed and kicked me to the side of the room so I was out of his way. "Fucking brat." He mumbled. I didn't see where he went, as my eyes were sewn shut in my panicked state.

There was a long period of silence before I heard the front door open and the sound of boots on the hardwood consumed my mind. I whimpered and tried to make myself as small as possible.

"Ryan, what the fuck?" Chris whispered, his voice just barely loud enough for me to hear. My head snapped up, and I shot my arms out towards my Daddy. "Daddy!" I cried, relieved when he picked me up and wrapped his strong arms around me.

He kissed my cheek and I held onto his neck tighter than ever before. "Princess, why are you crying?" I pointed at Ryan and he growled. "Ryan, basement. Now." I buried my face in the crook of my Daddy's neck, silently crying.

"Ricky, what happened?" I violently shook my head, not wanting to hear it and relive the incident again. I could still hardly believe it had happened.

He was my Daddy, I trusted him with my every need, and he abused me in front of my baby brothers. He kicked me and left me to cry on the floor.

Daddy Chris gave me another kiss. "Let's go lay down, princess." Ricky made a noise, and Daddy sighed. "Come on, then." I glanced over Daddy's shoulder and saw Josh and Ricky crawling behind us.

I felt my back hit the mattress, and I clung to my Daddy pitifully tight. "No leab!" Daddy rubbed my back, sitting up against the headboard with my body on his chest. Ricky and Josh cuddled up to Daddy's legs.

"And nothing I could ever write
Would help you understand this life
There's so much beauty when your eyes
Get lost in all the city lights
The wax will drip as slow as blood
Romance is dead and all is lust
We've lost it all..."

I fell asleep to the sounds of Daddy's sweet voice, the comfort of his arms wrapped securely around my waist lulling me into a peaceful oblivion.

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