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Ricky's POV

I cracked open my eyes, pleased to find that the curtains had been closed the previous night, so the bedroom was still flooded with darkness.

Rolling over in bed, I was surprised to find my lovely husband had already gotten out of bed. I sighed, placing a hand over my swollen belly when I felt our little monster kick.

"Good morning to you too." I laughed, struggling to sit up with my pregnant belly. "You're definitely going to be a fat baby." I muttered to myself, still not thoroughly convinced that I wasn't having multiples.

The doctors had all confirmed that they could only detect one baby, but my motherly instincts told me otherwise. After all, this was not my first rodeo.

I placed my feet firmly on the ground and used the bedpost to help myself stand upright. "Let's go find your Daddy." I grumbled, waddling out into the hall to search for my husband.

The twins were upstairs still, I could hear them, but I doubted Devin would be with our boys.

As I predicted, I found him coloring on the living room floor with Poe. I smiled, peeking over at their drawings with interest. "Whatcha drawing, baby girl?" The three year old snapped her head up to look at me and giggled. "Sh! It's a surprise for Daddy!" I gasped. "Another masterpiece? Already? I don't know if I'll be able to find room on the wall!" I sighed over dramatically, causing her to giggle some more.

Devin stood up, leaving his artwork on the floor in order to wrap his arms around me, splaying both hands on my rounded belly. "I told the guys that we would meet them for lunch somewhere for the baby shower, I figured you'd let the twins pick the restaurant." I tilted my head back to plant a kiss on the underside of his jaw and nodded. "I'd go upstairs and tell them, but baby says that stairs aren't such a great idea." He chuckled, pecking my lips sweetly. "I'll tell them to start getting ready, if you want to help Poe get dressed." I hummed in response, bending over slightly to summon my baby girl.

"Poe, sweetheart, c'mon and let's get you dressed." I coaxed her away from her art and into the bedroom Devin and I shared. We had left her clothes in our closet, because one of us always helped her dress, and it was difficult for me to maneuver up and down stairs.

I picked her out a simple black velvet dress with purple tights, letting her use the potty before I changed her into her clothes for the day.

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled brightly, running over to Devin's makeup station and grabbing a pair of tiny hoop earrings. Yes, we pierced our daughter's ears when she was a baby. No, I don't regret it.

After her hair was brushed and Poe was putting her boots on, I changed into some black maternity leggings and a stretchy black long sleeve shirt. I threw on a beanie and some eyeliner before grabbing Poe's hand and leading her to the front room.

Devin and the boys could be heard arguing upstairs, and I gave Poe a look. "I'll give you a tootsie roll if you drag your brothers downstairs." Not another word had to be said before my baby girl was scrambling up the steps to reach her brothers' room.

"Mommy wants you downstairs." I listened to her try and boss around her older brothers with a smile. "Well tell Mom that Crescent is hogging my straightener!" The older of the twins, Crimson, shouted.

There was the sound of skin smacking skin, and the clang of a hair straightener, then my family appeared in front of me at the door. Supposedly, they were ready to go, but I quickly realized Crimson wasn't wearing long pants. "You're going to freeze! Go change." I shooed him off, checking over Crescent to ensure he was properly dressed.

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