Chapter 1

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"Savannah!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I have been in my room all day studying hard for a physics test on Monday

I guess you could say I'm an average nerd. I wear big nerdy glasses, I am a bookworm and I don't think any average 17year old girl would be caught at home all day on a Saturday.

"Yeah mom?" I replied

"Get down here and help me fix the grocery list"

"I'll be right there" I stood up, closed my book and ran downstairs. I saw my mum sitting at the dinning table and I sat next to her.

"Okay, so all I have written down so far is milk, egg and cheese..." Mum trailed off as the door bell rung.

I stood up to and the door. Whae I opened it, Tyler was standing there with his hands in his pocket.

"Hey Sav" he said and smiled

" what are you doing here?" I asked. Tyler is this really annoying kid from school who is always trying to befriend me, I don't like him and I told him that but he just won't leave me alone.

I have no friends at school and i get bullied everyday not physically but verbally and I really don't care but I think Tyler just pities me and I don't need his pity.

"Um, I thought you would like to hang out"

"Sorry, I'm kinda busy"

"Savy, who's that?"

"Its just Tyler mum" I tell her, then she comes over to the door.

"Tyler, how are you" mum asked smiling

"I'm fine, its good to see you again Mrs Star." He says politely

"What brings you here" she asked

"Oh I just came over to see if Savannah wanted to hang out but she's busy so-"

"No she's not"

"Yes I am mum" I say "what about the grocery list?"

"We can do that later"

"Well then I have to study"

"You've been studying all day Savannah, stop being rude to your friend" she says with a stern look

"He is not my friend" I say getting frustrated "I dont even like him"

"Savannah!" My mum scolds

"Its okay Mrs Star it really is" Tyler says backing away "I had something to do anyway. See you at school Sav" he waves and walks away

"Why do you always have to be so rude to him?" Mom asks immediately he's gone "He is just trying to be nice, can't you see how much he likes you?"

"I don't care mum" I say going into the kitchen and grabbing an apple from the fridge.

"That's the thing with you, you never care. I see why you don't have any friends" she says

I turn to look at her, I was so hurt by her words and I could already feel tears prickling my eyes

"Oh honey, I'm sor-"

"Don't" I say and quickly run up to my room, I lock the door knowing she would come after me.

I could not believe she said that. I layed on my bed and cried a little before drifting of to sleep.


Heyyyy, first chapter. Pls tell me if you liked it

This chapter is dedicated to my bestie Angel aka Clowdy1324.

Pls comment and vote too


~Candy :)

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